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Aadi downs his eleventh and last glass.

Reporters round in with cameras and capture this live.

SANJANA: (yelling at the reporters) Hey! What are you doing here? I thought we'd asked you people to leave.

MEHUL: (amused) Let them be, Sanjana. Fans will love this, don't you think?

Aadi sways dangerously on his feet and Anuj shoots out to steady him.

ANUJ: Whoa! Easy there, buddy.

MEHUL: (looks around, laughs) Someone get him a chair, looks like he's about to collapse.

CRONY #1: Get a chair!

CRONY #2: Someone get a chair!

MEHUL: (to Aadi) Told you, dude. It's not for kids. You've got to learn to handle it, you've got to deserve it.


Aadi floors Mehul with a solid punch to his face. A wave of gasps and 'oohs' hit the big hall.

AADI: (straightening up, slurs) Someone get him a chair. He just collapsed.

Dazed, Mehul sits up and spots the bridge of his nose sticking out in an awkward angle. He peeks down, sees the front of his shirt soaking in blood. He touches his nose, pulls back, sees blood on his hands.

MEHUL: (Freaking out) Oh no! No-no-no-no!

AADI: (snorts) Dude, that's it? That's how tough you are? Tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut!

Mehul's dumbstruck cronies come back to earth. The first one makes his move. Mehul stops him.

MEHUL: (orders) No!

SANJEEV: (tensed) You people should leave!

Aadi takes a flailing punch at one of the cronies. The man drops like a rock, spits out a tooth.

CRONY #1: (horrified) Bloody hell!

Triggered, the other cronies stomp in to fight. Sanjeev stops them.

SANJEEV: (to Sanjana and Anuj) I said get him out of here! Leave!

Cameras flash furiously.

Anuj and Sanjana drag him out of there.

AADI: Guys. Wait. Listen.

ANUJ: (shoves a cam off his face) Get off!


Past midnight, Neha hurries to answer the front door. She opens it to a drop-dead sexy Sanjana in stiletto heels, a tight, glittering short skirt and sleeveless blouse. Her milky-white skin is disturbingly exposed to the elements.

Sanjana reaches out to help someone in . It's Aadi, passed out and limp over Anuj's shoulders.


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