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A while later, Aadi arrives at Mehul's residence. His lofty mansion stands in a posh area in the city inside a massive plot fenced with boundary walls, fierce guard dogs and a handful of stocky security guards.

Aadi parks his car a bit off from the enormous golden gate, guarded by a security guard. He is visibly nervous as he snaps off his seat belt and approaches the guard.


AADI: I'm here to meet Mehul.

GUARD: Do you have an appointment?

AADI: Not really. But --

The guard cuts him off.

GUARD: Then I'm sorry. Please take an appointment and come back.

AADI: At least please inform him. He knows me. Let him know that I'm at the gate and want to meet him. It's urgent, please.

GUARD: (firmly) Take an appointment, please.

When Aadi starts to argue again, the guard gets a call on his phone. He refuses to listen to Aadi and goes on to attend the call.

GUARD: (into the phone) Sir?

MEHUL: Send him in.

GUARD: Sure, sir.

He hangs up and goes to Aadi.

GUARD: You may go in.

AADI: Thanks.

He is sent in through the lofty gate. As he makes his way to the huge entrance door, he runs his eyes around the premises. The place is like a 5-star resort. Clearly, Mehul has made a LOT of money!

As he closes in on the front door, dogs start barking. His gaze follows the sound and spots two Rottweilers behind a fenced yard baring its fangs at him.


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Mehul stands at the bar, helping himself to a drink on the rocks. He's in eye-catching, smooth, polished formals. Over the years, Mehul has earned himself a reputation of being the best-dressed in the industry, and also the fussiest. One would wonder if he's flawless and classy around the clock.


Aadi pauses outside, raps on the door lightly.

Mehul glances over his shoulder and turns back to his drink.

MEHUL: Aditya Vardhan. Come in, come in. Long-time no see. Spotted you through the cam outside the gate.

As Aadi walks in, he notices a small screen beside the bar showing visuals from the gate.

MEHUL: (turns around, glass in hand) Come on in, sit. Would you like a drink?

AADI: (Doesn't sit) No, thanks.

Aadi takes a moment to admire the interiors. It could well off be a resort any time of the day.

Mehul sinks onto the couch, takes a sip from his glass, makes a sour face.

MEHUL: (holding up his glass) I prefer whisky to anything else. I guess it's... (raising his eyebrows) different... in your case.

Aadi is immediately reminded of his challenge from the party.

AADI: I wanted to talk to you about that incident.

Suddenly, from behind them, a familiar voice BOOMS.

BHARAT: Wow! You here too?

Aadi whips around, heart pounding, sees Bharat lumber in through the door with that permanent sneer on his face.

BHARAT: You are really something. Just sometime back I saw you at the restaurant. And a minute later, I find you here. Really, didn't eat your dinner or what?

Mehul pauses to listen to Bharat, then turns back to his drink.

AADI: (turning back to Mehul) Mehul, I'd like to apologize for that evening.

Mehul listens quietly, a sober look on his face.

AADI: Whatever I said, and did, I'm truly sorry. I was wrong... I was drunk. And I never wanted any of it to happen. I'm sorry.

Mehul sighs, smirks.

AADI: I really want to move on in life. And I hope you'd oblige too. I don't want to create any problems for you. In any way.

Mehul chuckles.

MEHUL: Hmm. Fine, apology accepted. 

Aadi is momentarily shocked. That went smoother than he thought.

AADI: (anxious) Thank you. Thank you so much. I'll always ---

MEHUL: On one condition.

A brief pause before an evil grin appears on his lips.

MEHUL: A night with your wife for ten crores.


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