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Aadi has guests – Anuj and Sanjana. They sit around, Aadi on the bed, Anuj with half a butt on the table and Sanjana on the couch. They look solemn, thoughtful, as they observe Aadi.

Anuj exchanges a quick glance with Sanjana, then, turns to Aadi.

ANUJ: So... tell me buddy, what have you decided?

AADI: (in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone) I told you. I'm not doing it.

ANUJ: (hissing, looks away) Yaar ---

AADI: (getting irritated) What? Why're you making that face? I said I don't want to do it. How hard is that to understand?

ANUJ: How hard is it for you to understand?

AADI: Dude, why're you forcing me?

ANUJ: (frustrated) Because this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. It's going to be a major motion picture with a big studio backing us up. It's going to be one hell of a feather in our caps. It's going to change our lives. The way the world sees us. Everything!

SANJANA: People have already gone crazy after that particular news article, that you're coming back.

AADI: And who the hell started this rumour?

ANUJ: I did.

AADI: (shocked, angry) What?

It goes quiet. Anuj looks sheepish.

ANUJ: Well, not a rumour exactly. I just expressed interest in having you back. And these guys, the media, well, you know how they are.

AADI: (mumbling, shaking his head) I don't believe it.

Sanjana gets up, goes to Aadi, sits beside him on the bed, places a hand on him.

SANJANA: Aadi ---

AADI: (cuts her off) Don't waste your breath, Sanjana. My decision is final. Nothing's going to change it.

SANJANA: Are you sure?

AADI: Yes.


Neha emerges from the kitchen, tray with teacups in hand. She takes the stairs to their room.


She reaches their door, turns to enter, when a shocking sight from within makes her stop dead.



Aadi and Sanjana, sitting on the bed, his back to the door. He's cupping Sanjana's face... and locked in a steaming, passionate kiss.

A whimper escapes Sanjana's lip.

Neha is pale. Her eyes like gooseberries. Her hold on the tray going limp. Thoughts bombard her head like tiny little squirts.

NEHA: (thinking) Kissing --- Friends --- Lovers --- Sex --- Cheating --- How can he --- He lied --- He never loved me --- He was always into her --- I always knew it --- People told me --- I refused to believe --- I trusted him --- How can he do this to me – Why me – Why me --- How can this happen to me ---

Tears glisten in her eyes and her heart races, almost blacking her out.


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