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Aadi sits up in bed and checks his Instagram. A message pops up:

"Where's Part 2?"

AADI: (mumbles) Part 2? What part 2?

Then, he remembers... The terrace candlelight dinner party he had set up to pacify Neha and how it all went to waste.

AADI: (sighs, mutters) All the chances of a hundred parts more. Hopefully good.

The door to the bathroom opens and Neha steps out. She hobbles over to the dressing table. Her back still hurt from hauling Aadi around all night. She stands before the mirror, towels her hair.

Aadi notes the difference in her stride. He prepares to go to her when he spots the hickey on her neck. Their session from last night comes to mind and his eyes shine.

Eyes on the mirror, Neha rakes through her wet hair. She senses his eyes on her, glances at him.

Indeed, he is watching her with intense eyes.

Her cheeks burn red and she struggles to maintain eye contact.

AADI: (quietly) Come here.

He pats invitingly on the bed.

She smiles in cheeky refusal, looks away.

AADI: Fine, I'll come there then.

In a moment, he's behind her. His arms wrap around, and he takes a deep whiff of her wet, open hair. It smells beautiful, like the morning dew, like a fresh countryside day.

AADI: (nuzzles into her ear, whispers) I love you

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AADI: (nuzzles into her ear, whispers) I love you. (When she says nothing except close her eyes, blush and tilt her head to his voice...) Tell me...

NEHA: (dreamily) What?

AADI: Tell me that you love me.

NEHA: (smiles, blushes) Hmm.

AADI: (grins) Say it. You never say it. Why?

She blushes madly, looks away.

Their voices are at their lowest, yet, intense.

AADI: Come on, say that you love me. (Enjoys her blush even more) Go on, say it.

Eyes sealed shut, Neha turns her head and shuts him with a deep, prolonged kiss. He reciprocates with equal intensity, maybe more. Aadi pulls back, impressed.

AADI: Someone's still possessed, eh?

NEHA: (blushes) You were. You still are.

AADI: Well, you're no miss little Red Riding Hood either, look at this.

He pulls back his shirt to reveal a ferocious looking hickey over his collar bone, one that looked as if bitten by a vampire. Her eyes go wide.

NEHA: I-- I didn't do that.

AADI: (sarcastic) No, I did it.

NEHA: What?

AADI: Yeah, I bit myself. See?

He growls like an angry dog, pretends to bite himself, and then, attacks her. She shrieks!

He sweeps her off her feet, carries her in his arms, all the way to their bed.

NEHA: (laughs) Aadi!

He leans in for a peck and gently places her on the bed. He clambers in with her, traces his thumb over the hickey, concerned.

AADI: Does it hurt?

NEHA: When touched, yes.

He leans in, kisses it gently. When he glances up to check on her reaction, he sees her grinning.

AADI: (smiles) What?

NEHA: (nods) Nothing.

AADI: No, tell me.

NEHA: I was wondering, how will I explain 'this' to the family?

AADI: Explain what?

NEHA: The thing on my neck.

Aadi grins. Does that even need an explanation? Isn't it obvious?

AADI: Tell them the truth.

NEHA: What? No.

AADI: Go on. Say it. What will you tell them?

NEHA: That a cheeky little rascal bit me.


Simar returns from the terrace with an empty bucket. She walks past their room when she hears a SHRIEK from within. She stops in her tracks, hangs around, worried.

SIMAR: Oh dear, are they fighting or ---? (A laughter follows, clears all her doubts, she blushes) Oh well, hmm.

She walks away.


They're in bed again, minimally clothed, breathless and steaming after another intimate session.

Aadi lifts himself, stares intently into her eyes. Gently, he strokes a thumb over her cheek.

AADI: Will you go out with me?

Her brows crease, puzzled.

NEHA: To where?

AADI: Anywhere.

NEHA: Like where?

AADI: I don't know. Somewhere. Like a date.

She smiles, unable to believe what she was hearing.

NEHA: (nods, yes) Hmm.

He leans in, kisses her.

AADI: I love you.


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