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Aadi returns to his car empty handed. He gets in, quickly dials Prem. Waits. A few seconds later, the call is answered.

PREM: Hello?

AADI: Prem. Is Neha around?

PREM: What? No. I thought she was with you?

He dodges the question.

AADI: Listen. If she turns up over there, the very moment, let me know. Immediately!

There is a sense of urgency in his voice.

PREM: Sure. Is everything okay?

Aadi takes a good pause before speaking.

AADI: I don't know.

Prem picks up his brother's frustrated hiss.

PREM: Don't worry, Aadi. I'm positive that she's fine. Meanwhile, I'll alert our family and the police.

AADI: No! Not the police. Not yet.

PREM: But...

AADI: I'm looking around. Hopefully, she's somewhere nearby.

Prem quietly contemplates the situation. On one side, Aadi searches frantically. On the other, Neha is presumably headed home. But why would she go alone?

PREM: (uncomfortable) Did you... guys have a... uhm... fight... or something like that?

Prem gets his response through a single, uninterested sigh from Aadi.

PREM: Okay, uhm... I'll just step out with Sankalp. What if she's headed home?

AADI: Yes, do that.

PREM: And give me a call if anything.

AADI: Sure.

He hangs up, starts the car and drives ahead.

AADI: (mutters) Neha. Please! Please be okay.


Neha is alone taking shelter at a bus stop and watching traffic zipping past. Her eyes are groggy, as though she'd been crying.

Suddenly, an expensive black Audi whizzes past, its indicator BLINKING. It quickly pulls away from moving traffic and comes to a screeching halt a few feet ahead of the shelter.

Neha looks up.

The driver's door SWINGS open. Out bolts Aadi, panicking. When he spots her in one piece, he pauses mid-way and almost sags to his knees in relief.

Neha ogles at him. Startled at first, then, sheepish.

He straightens up, pulls out his phone, makes a call.

AADI: (into the phone, breathless, eyes on Neha) Prem. I found her. She's okay. Everything's fine. Yeah. I'll see you later. Bye.

He hangs up, stomps to her, grabs her by the hand and tags her along to the car. He opens her side of the door, pushes her in and gets behind the wheel.

Neha watches his every move with a pounding heart. It is clear, he is angry at her disappearance act.

Aadi picks up her phone from the dashboard, waves it before her eyes.

AADI: Ever seen this before?

She ogles silently.

AADI: Yes? Or no?

She looks away.

AADI: (quietly, but firmly) Neha. Answer me.

She sits still with her head low and eyes on the car's interiors. Earlier this evening, it was she who so badly wanted to put Aadi into this speechless, helpless position.

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