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They see him for the first time after a gap of three years. And the feeling isn't pleasant. Bharat Panwar approaches their table with a sneer on his face.

BHARAT: Arreh wah-wah-wah-wah! Look who's here! Long-time no see!

Like good old friends, he lands a tight slap on Aadi's back, almost popping his eyes out.

Neha gasps frightened that he'd hurt him.

BHARAT: So, tell me, (pulls out a chair, sits with a groan) what brings you here. How's life?

Life? Is he being sarcastic?

BHARAT: Is this your first time here?

Aadi stares hard at Bharat, hoping to discourage him. It does nothing to intimidate him.

BHARAT: Oh hero. Why so serious? I just dropped in to say hello. So be nice.

He leans back onto his chair with a sigh, keeps one leg over the other.

BHARAT: I love this place. (Glancing around) I come here whenever I feel the need to blow out some steam. And! They serve excellent grilled chicken. I love it!

He gulps down a mouthful of saliva. Greed twinkles in his eyes.

BHARAT: See, the mere thought is enough. (Swallows again) My mouth starts watering. It's like getting hard, you don't even need the real thing. Right or wrong?

He expects an answer. And he expects it in Neha's presence.

Aadi says nothing.

BHARAT: Right or wrong?

AADI: (glaring) What do you want?


Neha reaches out and places a hand on Aadi's thigh, urging him to stay low and avoid a fight.

Bharat breaks into a wide grin.

BHARAT: It's just a simple question, pretty boy. Whether your thoughts make you hard. And not "who" makes you hard. There's no need to overreact.

An uncomfortable silence follows.

As Bharat waits, he takes the opportunity to catch an eyeful of Neha.

She fidgets, feeling very uncomfortable. He stares at her as though she's naked.

Licking his lips, grinning, Bharat leans closer to Aadi and whispers something that Neha couldn't make out.

BHARAT: (whispering) Talking about getting hard... Where'd you get her from? She's a bomb.

Saying this, he leans back and attempts to smother his laughter.

Aadi pulls back, his brows furrowed in disbelief.

AADI: (facing him squarely) She's my wife.

Bharat pauses, stares at him for a split second, as if he said something outrageous, then, bursts out laughing again.

BHARAT: What!!!? (sinking back to his chair, laughing) You can't be serious.

Aadi gets hold of Neha's hand, rises.

AADI: Let's go.

BHARAT: Whoa-whoa-whoa! Where do you think you're going? We're just getting started!

Bharat gets onto his feet, blocks their path. He's huge and built like a bison. Though muscular, Aadi still looks frail and delicate before the goon.

AADI: (staring him in the eye) Get out of the way. Please.

His stern tone triggers something in Bharat. He no longer has that nasty sneer on his face.

BHARAT: (dangerously, pointing at their chairs) Sit down.

Aadi doesn't budge. He stands his ground, eyes warring with Bharat's.

Neha squeezes his hand. She is terrified.

BHARAT: I said sit down.

By now, diners notice that something's wrong. It gets a little quiet in there.

BHARAT: Last warning. Sit. Your ass. Down.

Neha's eyes are round with horror.

The adrenaline pounds through his body. His hand clenches into a tight, trembling fist. A fight is inevitable.


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