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After a quick celebration of Neha's birthday, Aadi hits work. It's a regular 9-5 job at an engineering company.


Aadi works in the Proposals / Business Development department. NAINA PARMAR is his secretary, a goofy, clumsy, but pretty girl in geeky glasses. Like everyone else, and unsurprisingly, she has a massive crush on Aadi.


She is at her desk in the lobby, just outside Aadi's cabin

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She is at her desk in the lobby, just outside Aadi's cabin.

Across her is the glass walled conference room. Aadi is in there with a few others. Some meeting is going on.

Meanwhile, Naina is on a video call.

NAINA: You wouldn't believe if I told you who my boss is.

On the other end is her friend, RIYA.

RIYA: Who?

NAINA: Wait. Let me send you a pic.

She sends a pic from her gallery through WhatsApp.

A beep and two blue ticks as Riya receives and opens the file.

RIYA: He looks like Aditya Vardhan.

NAINA: He does, doesn't he?

RIYA: He sure does! Like a perfect carbon copy. Damn! What's his name?

NAINA: Aditya Vardhan.

RIYA: (surprised) What?

NAINA: You heard me. Aditya Vardhan.

RIYA: (not convinced) Yeah, right. LOL!

NAINA: I'm serious.

RIYA: (chuckling) Right. Everyone's got their own fantasies.

NAINA: Don't believe me? Wait.


Inside, the men are in a serious discussion.

The door opens and Naina sticks her head in. She holds the door ajar with one hand. The same hand that's holding her phone and broadcasting live visuals of Aadi from the conference to Riya. 

NAINA: Sir, sorry for interrupting. But there's a visitor for Mr. Aditya Vardhan in the lobby. A lady.

She locks her gaze on him.

AADI: Tell her that I'll be there in like 30 minutes. I'm in a meeting?

NAINA: I tried, sir, but, she's not ready to wait. She says it's important. And... she's a bit violent.

He scrunches his eyebrows as if surprised.

AADI: Excuse me gentlemen, I'll be right back.


He quickly rises and hurries to the --


Naina is on his tail, capturing him live.

He reaches the lobby, glances around, sees no one.

AADI: (turning to her) Where?

It happens so quick that Naina fumbles with the phone before putting it behind her.

NAINA: She was here. She must have walked out.

AADI: Did she say what her name was and from where she was coming?

NAINA: No, but she was creating a scene, and that's why... I had to disturb you. Sorry.

AADI: No-no. It's okay. What was she saying?

NAINA: That she must meet you at any cost, or... she'll call the police.

AADI: (worried) What?

NAINA: (nodding with a straight face) Yeah.

Naina is amused at the lie she just cooked up now. The anxiety on his face makes it even funnier. She purses her lips, trying not to laugh.

AADI: Any idea where she came from?

NAINA: No idea, sir.

AADI: What did she look like?

NAINA: Um... like a corporate? She seemed like late 20's something.

AADI: Oh... kay? Let me check with the IT guys for the footage.

NAINA: (panicking) Oh... no... I-I doubt if they'll have it, because she was... you know... (composing herself) standing at an odd angle... I don't think the cam could have captured her.

AADI: (raising his eyebrow, giving her a suspicious look) Okay?

NAINA: (pursing her lips) Uh-huh.

AADI: No problem. Thanks.

He exits quickly.

Making sure that he's left --

NAINA: (mumbling to herself) 'No problem, thanks?' What does he mean by that? That sounded scary. Hope he didn't get any ideas. (Turning back to Riya) So?

RIYA: OMG. Are you kidding me?

NAINA: (chuckling proudly) Told you so. You wouldn't believe me. So, there you go. That's him. Hope you got a good look.

RIYA: (getting loud, excited) I damn well did. And I can't have enough. Man! He looks so yummy!

Naina throws her head back and laughs.

NAINA: Shush. Stop squealing. You'll get me into trouble.

RIYA: What the hell is Aditya Vardhan doing there?

NAINA: Working? He's the Proposals Manager.

RIYA: You can't be serious! Please let me propose him! To hell with the rest of the proposals.

NAINA: (laughing) I could get fired for what just happened, you know?

RIYA: Nah, I don't think he'll do that. He looks like a sweetheart... (suddenly suspicious) Or is he..?


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