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Aadi's Audi rests under a tree, away from moving traffic and prying eyes. Its parking lights blink.


The air is tense. Aadi turns to Neha as she reluctantly opens up.

NEHA: It's about your project. Your career.

A lump lodge in his throat. Out of all the people who criticizes him and his dreams, Neha is the last one he expects to be in line.

NEHA: We don't want this, Aadi. It's not for us.

He begins to panic.

AADI: Wha-what are you talking about? (a hushed chuckle)

NEHA: I want you to let it go.

He pauses as though slapped on the face.

AADI: But why?

NEHA: Look at our life, Aadi! It was all so perfect before. And now!

She pauses, heaving.

AADI: Now what?

NEHA: It's a mess! Don't you see?

Aadi sighs, leans back on to his seat, relaxes a bit.

AADI: Honey, I know that you're stressed. But trust me, you don't have to worry. It's all going to be okay.

NEHA: No! It's NOT going to be okay.

AADI: Tsk. Neha....

NEHA: No, Aadi. Please! I've had enough.

AADI: Sweetheart, this is what every celebrity goes through!

NEHA: Is it!!? And you're okay with all of it!!! Even if it means the end of our relationship!!!

He pauses at that statement.

AADI: What do you mean? Why would you feel that way?

NEHA: (grows loud) Because that's how far we've reached!! Ever since you've been into this project, you've been drifting away. From me. From us. But I was like... it's only for a little while. Once all of this is set, we're going to be alright. But...!!! It kept going from bad to worse. Now, it's just you! Your dream. Your career! Your fans! Your colleagues! Where the hell do I even stand? (pauses, wearing a sarcastic face) Oh. How can I forget? Your FANS are there to remind me of that!

He is at a loss for words. This information is new. Never in his dreams did he think that she feels this way.

What she says next, sucks the air out of his lungs.

NEHA: ---Right at the feet of the worthiest couple. Aadi and Sanjana! A match made in heaven!

With that, a sob creeps up into her throat.

Aadi gapes at her in utter shock. She quickly looks away.

AADI: (in a hushed whisper) What?

She keeps her gaze out of the window.

AADI: Where did she come in from?

No answer.

AADI: Neha?

She quietly battles between two choices.

• Risk their marriage. EXPLODE!

• Be patient, say nothing.

The first is SO tempting, but ---

NEHA: (in a shaky voice) Please. Take me home.

AADI: No, I need an answer.

She looks away, taking slow and deep breaths.

AADI: Neha.

NEHA: (cuts him off in a pleading voice) Please, Aadi.

AADI: (firmly) No, we aren't going anywhere till you tell me.

She turns to him, determined. There's a disturbing calm on her face. The kind you'd see just before a terrible storm.

NEHA: (in a low, strained voice) Fine. Go on. Name it. What would you like to know?

Her demeanor derails him for a moment. He quickly composes himself.

AADI: Sanjana! What has she got to do with us?

She scowls at his reaction.

NEHA: Why are you being defensive!!?

AADI: (shocked) What? I'm not being defensive!

NEHA: Yes, you are! You ARE being defensive! Loud! Agitated!

AADI: I'm not agitated! God! Neha! Why do you have to be so STUBBORN?

NEHA: You know what, Aadi? Just take me home. Please!

AADI: But ---

NEHA: (cuts him off) Or I'll just walk home!

Aadi glowers at her for a moment, then, starts the car, muttering angrily.


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