The Frightening God And The Noble Warrior. Which Is The Real Kenshin?

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In Echigo, Kenshin returned to Kasugayama Castle, successful at quashing the revolt that had called him back. During the victory banquet, he and Shingen sat at the back of the room where they shared a drink.

"You got your war, and you got to let loose. So, why do you look like nothing's going your way?"

"That wasn't what I'd call a war. It wasn't fulfilling and it wasn't any fun. Not for long."

Several empty sake bottles dotted the space between them. Kenshin added another to their pile after filling his cup. He sighed joylessly.

"I'm bored. Himezuru Ichimonji is crying for blood. Enough with the party. To battle!"

His voice carried over the raucous party, and his vassals immediately responded as one.

"...Yes, Lord!"

Plates and cups were abandoned as the hall erupted in the chaos of vassals posturing for a nonexistent battle.

"Will all of you settle down? ...Good. Honestly, I thought you'd know better than to react to every insane thing Kenshin says by now."

Shingen's calm manner restored the normal party atmosphere.

"Kenshin, control yourself. How about you have another drink? Here, have a cup on me."

"I'm starved, Shingen. Not thirsty. A drink can only sustain me so far. And recently, I've lost my appetite for sake. Even my old favourites taste like swill."

"This one's good for swill and didn't you bring it back? Where's it from?"

"It's a local brew from Azuchi. I had Sasuke send it here. It's...all right but it's strange.

Shingen caught the curious way Kenshin trailed off.

"What's strange?"

"It tasted better when I drank it in Azuchi."

"Well, the flavour wouldn't change that much in transport."

"I know. That's why I said it's strange."

Kenshin glanced to his side and, seeing only Shingen, disappointedly tilted another cup back. But, that seeking gaze told Shingen everything. He smiled.

"Who'd you drink it with? it was a woman, wasn't it?"

"Don't confuse me with you."

"You didn't answer my question. By the way, Yuki sent me an interesting report. He said the woman from Honno-Ji is in Azuchi... 'And you won't believe it but, she gets along with Kenshin.'"

"It's time to send another vassal to spy on Azuchi. Yukimura's gone blind. She and I don't get along. There isn't a shred of anything between us."

"That's a pretty vehement denial."

Shingen gave his rival's shoulder a friendly pat. Kenshin shook it off.

"You know the reason I'll never let another woman get close to me."

"Of course I do. Who do you think it was who helped pull you from the brink the first time?"

The jovial smile left Shingen's face.

"But isn't it time you free yourself of those cursed chains? ...Let Isehime go."

"Do not say her name."

Shingen knew he had pushed too far, too fast. He backed off, with a shrug of his shoulders. 

Elsewhere on the pathways, Alexis was riding on her dapple grey mare with Sora following them.

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