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oH mY gOd tHe PlAyEr sAw mE aNd sUdDeNlY rEaLiSeS hE wAnTs tO bE wItH mE¡!¡!¡!

Legit. Why.


His gaze locked with mine and I was swooned by his beautiful blue eyes. They widened when he noticed me and immediately pushed the three girls that were clinging on his arms.

He strolled up to me with a smug smile and said, "Hey Beautiful, what's your name?"

I snorted. "Asshole, go away."

He furrowed his eyebrows. Oh my god he's so handsome but I didn't want to admit it. "Why?"

"Because you're a player, duh," I deadpanned, rolling my eyes.

His eyes dimmed and jaw clenched. "I-"

"BYE FELICIA!" I yelled and ran away.

Idk how many chapters later...

"I love you Tara, I always have since the day I first saw you," William told me, emotions dancing in his eyes.

"Dumb fucker, you had three girls in your arms when you first saw me. That was a major fucking turnoff."


Okay, that sucked. And also, don't ever use Bye Felicia in front of me. I'M A FELICIA AND ITS AN OFFENSE TO MY NAME LMAO.

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