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I had a two word conversation and then I glanced up at the clock. Wow, the conversation lasted three hours!

Okay so most authors would add on, "we talked about this and that blah blah blah" but even so, it still feels like a super short conversation because the description of the characters' conversations are so. short.

At least try to give us some in depth. What did they talk about? What did they feel during and after the conversation?

I feel like one of those writing tips books now.


"Hey," I said, waving my hand.

"Hi," he replied with a smile.

We chatted for the next three hours about our lives before parting ways when he had to go home.


imma just show a scenario where things can be improved.

(Improved) scenario:

"Hey," I said, waving my hand.

"Hi," he replied with a smile.

We initiated a short conversation which blew into a three hour long talk. We told each other about the happenings in our lives, like how he had recently gotten married to his highschool sweetheart and how I discovered that I was pregnant.

He listened intently and offered sound advice when I asked him how to break the news to my husband and I did the same when he admitted to me his alcohol addiction.

Throughout the little time we spent together, I felt our bond, rusted with age, strengthen again. I couldn't help that a little part of my heart lifted having been able to reconnect with my old friend.

Eventually, we parted ways reluctantly when he received a call from the missus that she had burnt the stove in attempt to cook.


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