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so in my werewolf school, there are ALWAYS two packs that always only hang out together so there's like, a huge split between the students at school. AND GUESS WHAT, I'M ALWAYS CAUGHT BETWEEN THEM.

okay so the most common cliché of this I've seen is that the girl's mate is to one of the alpha and the other alpha is the enemy to her mate but is her bff/ crazy stalker admirer.

okay confession: I'm actually not a big fan of werewolf stories set in schools.

like okay, how is an Alpha able to juggle school with pack work? *throwback to Cliché #5*

Honestly I don't hate or find this cliche annoying, I just have mixed feelings about it. Love-hate relationship amirite?


"Hey, wanna come to the party tonight?" my new friend aka the Alpha of Gabrieland pack, Johnny, posed the question, taking a long noisy slurp from his drink.

"Sally?" I blinked, snapping out of my trance. I turned to look at Johnny, whose lips were curled into a frown. "Why are you staring at Alpha Gabriel of JohnnyJohnny-YesPapa pack?"

I bit down on my lip, casting another glance towards the smothering hot ass, who was watching me with his dark, calculating eyes.

"I don't know, I always have this weird sizzly sensation when I'm around him... like sparks you know?"

Alpha Johnny of Gabrieland pack and Alpha Gabriel of JohnnyJohnny-YesPapa pack huh?

^ honestly though wtf is wrong with me these days

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