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Him: my eyes and heart are only for you... I'm attracted to only you... no one else.

Also Him: *makes out, kisses, sleeps with a ton of other girls* they're just distractions because I'm trying to fight this attraction to you but I can't.

Some attraction he has to you, hmph. This cliché is so stupid though like, of all things you can use to distract yourself, you use girls?!

And you're saying your eyes and heart are only for the female MC... so that means your lips and male anatomy are for other girls?

Ladehs and Gentelmens (yes I totally spelt them right) - in case y'all boys go through this too - leave the man/ woman, he/ she is not worth your heart, tears, time and life.

*Warning: the scenario is slightly sexual*


"I-I love you...," he murmured and pressed his lips to mine as he fucked me thoroughly.

A tear leaked from my eye. He loved me! "I-I love you too, SpongeBob."

Then he suddenly pulled away from me, distress signals flashing in his eyes.

"I have to go," he blurted and rushed out before I could stop him.


- the next day -

I stood outside his front door, raising my fist as if ready to knock. When my knuckles brushed against the mahogany wood, the door creaked open.

A frown formed on my lips. Did he forget to shut the door?

I shrugged, not dwelling on it as I took a step into his house.

I really hoped that he was home because I wanted to talk to him and find out what was wrong.

I pushed open his bedroom door and stumbled back in shock at the sight before me.

Clothes were strewn over the bedroom and in the middle of the bed, a naked woman was moaning uncontrollably as SpongeBob looked me in the eye in all his naked glories while he thrusted deep into her.

Oh em gee, they were fucking like rabbits. Or dolphins. Or horses. Well, whatever animal that has sex a lot.

Tears blinded me as I rushed out weeping, leaning against the wall in his living room to calm myself. I slid down to the floor and hugged my knees as I sobbed into my pants, wondering why fate would do such a thing to me.

From my peripheral vision, I saw bare feet approach me.

"Patricka," I heard him say.

"Why did you do this to me?!" I wept, punching my fist into the floor hard, ignoring the gashes that split open. "Don't you love me?!"

"I do love you, Patricka, she's just a distraction because I'm trying to fight my attraction to you... but I can't. I love you."

Happy tears flowed down my cheeks as I flung my arms around his neck, making him stumble back. "Oh SpongeBob, I love you!"

"Um, hello?" We turned at the sound of the high pitched female voice. It was the same woman SpongeBob had been fucking earlier.

"Sandy, what do you want?" he growled, wrapping a hand around my waist.

Her eyebrows flew to heaven as she glanced between the two of us. "Didn't you tell me the same thing when you got me over to fuck?"

Dun dun dun 👀

Damn, hope I didn't spoil your childhood with this episode of SpongeBob Squarepants. So who do y'all ship, Sandy X SpongeBob or Patricka X SpongeBob? Or neither cos he played them both?

I know this isn't usually how the scene goes but eh idc anymore.

Also apologies if this was shitty, I forgot how to write lol.

ps. I have almost 10 preplanned clichés but I'm too lazy to write them lol.

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