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I am feisty af yet I cry at the smallest words like fat WAHHHHHHHHHH

Okay writer, think about it. Who in this big wide world would cry that easily? And it's super unrealistic when you're character is feisty af but starts crying at the smallest of insults.

This doesn't mean that the character is not allowed to cry. Just, keep it at a minimum and use other ways of describing emotional pain.


"Watch where you're going!" snarled the boy who rammed into me.

I crossed my arms and let out a snort. "Excuse me? You're the one who ran into me!"

"No you, bitch!"

I felt tears brim in my eyes then all of a sudden I was sobbing uncontrollably.

"Oh my gosh why are you crying!"

"M-my abusive father used to call me names so now I'm extra sensitive and weak when I hear this."

Oh damn, I just got another idea for a cliché after the last dialogue.

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