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"yOu wErE jUsT a bEt, bUt i fElL iN lOvE wItH yOu."

ah, sounds something like the Wattpad-reknowned book by Anna Todd called After? Hmmm Hardin Scott and Tessa Young??? (I haven't read the book oops don't kill me hahaha but I watched several scenes and trailers of the movie)

So Hardin had betted that he would be first to get Tessa in his bed. He won wooo then Tessa found out the dare wooo and they had a huge fight wooo then Hardin admitted he fell in love with Tessa wooo and they lived happily ever after (I think) wooo.

Literally. How many times have I seen this shit on Wattpad ugh.


Honestly though, who randomly splashes their money stupidly like this these days? (Well except for gamblers and idiots)


"You don't know?" Mary's tainted red lips quirked into a malicious smirk.

I WAS CONFUSION. "Know what?"

"Hairy and Ham had made a bet to see who would take your virginity first. Looks like Hairy won."

"W- what?" I cried and broke down into tears.

"Mary! What have you done?" yelled Hairy as he ran forward and hugged me tightly from the back.

"Oh nothing," replied Mary as she fluttered her eyelashes innocently.

"Get away from me!" I screamed at Hairy and ran away.


One boring month full of sobbing later.

"Yessa, please listen to me. I love you, I swear. This may have started out as a bet, but I fell in love with you. I fell in love with your smile, your laughter, your eyes, your heart, your vagin- EHM. Well yeah, I fell in love with you. Please don't leave me."

My heart clenched at Hairy's words. "Oh Hairy, I love you too!" I weeped and flung my arms around his neck.

And we lived happily ever after.

The end.

Ugh, it's been so long since I last wrote, my writing's shit.

Also, I really did intend to name them Hairy, Ham and Yessa.

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