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oH mAh gOd my man is like, super duper cold but kinda cute to me and super possessive! *swoon*

I mean, who wouldn't love these type of men amirite? XD Legit swoon factors.

But then again, to add some realism, try like, making him cold to the mc first?


"Mr. Stupido!" Mr. Siao called out. "Did you get my invitation-"

"Yes, now would you please leave me alone before I break your nose?" Bèn growled, his fists clenching. I placed a hand on his arm and his muscles instantly relaxed.

Mr. Siao gulped and nodded, skittering off like he couldn't get away faster.

"So uh...," Bèn turned to me. "I booked a table at an Italian restaurant for lunch... you wanna go?" He scratched the back of his neck in anticipation.

I smiled. "Sure, I'd love to!"

An adorable smile exploded on his face like a little kid given candy.

The restaurant was really romantically themed with rose petals and seductive music.

A waiter shimmied up to our table once we were seated, flashing a seductive smile my way. "What would you like to order, Sir and...," he trailed off, his eyes running over the expanse of my body, seemingly oblivious to the angered growl that asked Bèn. "gorgeous young ma'am."

In the blink of an eye, Bèn had hurtled himself onto the waiter and was punching him furiously.

"Bèn! Stop!" I gasped and reached forward to place a hand on his cheek, which he responded with a purr as he leaned into my palm.

Then he turned back and continued beating the poor waiter.

"Men," I grumbled haughtily under my breath.

Eh I had some difficulty expressing the cliché in this short scene, but I hope it was still okay.

Anyway, I'm late but thanks for 1k reads and 200 votes! I love it when I see comments from y'all wheezing away like Corona.

p.s. bèn is the Chinese han yu pin ying for 笨 aka stupid. So his name is Bèn Stupido, which means Stupid Stupid.

Siao means crazy; insane in terms of Singlish, the language most singaporeans (aka me) use.

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