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My lover cheated on me :((( but it turns out it was the crazy ex hookup that forced herself on him and faked everything... I didn't allow him to explain himself because I was blinded by pain until he forced me to listen

Bish, I understand if you're insecure and all (cos trust me I can be too) but if you really love someone, you'll trust them not to cheat on you... of course don't give them the benefit of doubt that you'll turn a blind eye if they cheat... just like, let them explain. But if you actually did catch them naked and fucking like rabbits then there's really no reason to listen to their lame explanations... right?


"Lukas!" I squealed and bursted into his room. It was then my jaw dropped and I froze in my actions.

Lukas was sitting in his leather chair with his ex hookup Selena straddling him and they were having a passionate make out session.

I let out a loud sob, making them snap out of their honeymoon land.

My boyfriend- lover- I don't know what to call him because we still haven't put a label to our relationship - instantly shoved Selena off his lap. He stood up in a haste, his eyes widened. "Julianna-"

"I HATE YOU!" I cried and rushed out of the room.

Two weeks later...

I cried a lot cause of that fucker. All I did was wrap myself into a bundle with my blankets and sob as I watched sad movies.


I jumped, snapping my head to look at Lukas, who was standing by my doorway.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I spat then wiped my nose with the back of my hand.

"Let me explain-"


"Julianna, let me-"

"No, no, no! I don't want to hear your excuses! If you want to go back to Selena, just go!" I seethed.

A growl rumbled out of his lips as he stalked towards me and pinned me down to the bed. "You will listen to me, okay Julianna? I don't love Selena and I don't want to go back to her. I love you!"

I let out a loud sob. "Then explain what I saw!" I wept.

"She came onto me, I tried to get her to back off but she didn't. You came in when she suddenly jumped onto my lap and gave me a kiss."

I sniffled. "Okay fine, I believe you."

"I love you Julianna."

"I love you too Lukas."

No, I don't usually write too rushed a scene. I would normally just drag out the pain for several chapters to make all my poor readers weep but like I said, this is a SHORT and BRIEF scenario that bests show the cliché in a SHORT scene. Okay? Okay.

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