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OMG my parents arranged me/ agreed for me to marry some old sick Alpha who is not my mate!!! So then I ran away on my wedding day/ the day before/ the day before the day before/ the day before the day before the day before and met my cruel and ruthless mate of an Alpha when I accidentally stumbled into his pack and the two declared war over me!!! My parents became deranged and ended up siding with the Alpha they arranged me to marry and they lost!!!

haha sorry if this sounds a wee bit like 'The Alpha Meets The Rogue' by xxdemolitionloverxx (I think that's her user) but her story was basically all the books about this cliche combined... not that I'm complaining cos I love her stories (tho of course there are times I don't agree with her story concepts).

Okay so, the thing I don't understand most about this cliche is why the parents don't respect the mate bond. I'm pretty sure in all these stories, the parents who enforced this arranged marriage are mates themselves, so shouldn't they understand that it's against the rules of mates to try and break a mate bond? Shouldn't they understand the pain of being with another that's not your mate?

Also, parents should ALWAYS put their children's happiness over things like reputation, friendship, ranking, et cetera. How can parents be so loving one second, then become deranged and make you marry someone who's not your mate???

See what I'm saying?


"Heather, marry me," Alpha John went down on one knee and produce a ring in his palm.

"OH MY GOD! YES! HEATHER I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" Mom squealed as she squeezed the life out of me.

A smile played in the Alpha's lips as he slid the ring on my ring finger.

I swallowed thickly. "Alpha John, I-"

He sent me a wink. "I'm John to you baby and it's okay, I'm willing to give you anything you want. I only want the most expensive ring for you," he said, bending down to kiss my hand.

A shiver slid down my spine at the feel of his slimy lips against my skin. He wasn't even my mate and he only wanted me because I looked like his dead mate! "No Alpha John, I-"

He ignored me once again. "The wedding's in three days, I can't wait to get married to you baby."

"OH MY GOD, LET'S START SHOPPING FOR YOUR DRESS!" Mom exclaimed as she started dragging me away.

"And while you two do so, I'm just going to brag to all my friends that my daughter's marrying an Alpha," Dad said, sending me a wink.

"An Alpha!" Mom screamed as money signs appeared in both her and Dad's eyes. "Just imagine all the money we'll get! Everyone would look up to us! We'll be known as the Luna's parents!"

Panicking, I turned to my best friend. "Abby, help me. I-"

"AH oh my god I'm so happy for you Heather!" Abby gushed. "I'd kill to be a Luna but oh well, at least I'll be known as the Luna's best friend!"

And with that I was dragged away for dress fitting.


Today was my wedding eve and nobody, not even one pack member, cared that I was going to marry someone I didn't love, someone old enough to be my father, someone who's not my mate. No, everyone was just excited at the fact that they were finally going to get a Luna. They didn't care to stop and think whether I was happy.

So I ran away.


"Ow, I'm sorry okay! It was an accident, I didn't mean to enter your land!" I weeped for mercy.

"The Alpha will see to you," the pack warrior remained neutral.

Then I was hit with an intoxicating scent. MATE! my wolf cried for mercy.

A big and scary Alpha entered the dungeon, only for his expression to soften at the sight of me. "MATE!" he roared, breaking down the door and coming to wrap his arms around me.

"Wait... aren't you the runaway bride Alpha John was looking for?" he asked, pulling away slightly but not letting go.

"Yeah but I wasn't given a choice. Nobody cared to hear me out."


fifty plus chapters later...

"Dad? Why don't you respect that I want to be with my mate?" I asked, my voice quivering.

His eyes blazed in anger. "You're supposed to marry Alpha John! Do you know how embarrassed I was to find out that my daughter ran away?"

"But Gabriel's my mate!" I cried. "Don't you respect my mate bond?"


Then starts the intense battle between the father and daughter because the father is deranged to want to hurt his daughter. This is ended by Gabriel the mate jumping in and killing the father. And yes, I was too lazy to write this part.

I slumped against Gabriel's hard sweaty chest. "Oh god, I'm so happy he's dead cause the writer seems to not care that my mate killed my father and seems to not care that he's my father and that I still have feelings for him."

"It's over," Gabriel let out a breath of relief. "And it also doesn't occur to the author that I should comfort Heather for her father's death."

"It's over and that's all that I seem to care about, because my mother's broken heart at the lost of her mate also doesn't occur to me..."

Damn the sarcasm was evident in the last scene.

ps. how are y'all liking the new cover? I made it by myself :)

PPS. also, I should honestly be writing my books rn, but here I am doing another cliché because I'm too lazy to write my story

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