• The Letter •

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I sat at the Slytherin table with Elizabeth and Stacy, explaining to them both why I wasn't around a lot yesterday.

They believed me for the most part until I mentioned where I fought off a Warewolf.

This seemed to have amused them as they both started laughing hysterically.

"Think it's funny, huh? How do you explain this then?," I huffed before showing them my injury from across the table to my stubborn friends as they continued laughing at me.

"Whatever," Elizabeth said, waving her hand in front of my face to annoy me. I swiped it away and sighed.

"Stop that," I said through gritted teeth before aggressively taking a piece of bread off the table to dip into my soup.

While eating my dipped piece of roll, I looked around the hall at all the other students that surrounded us and watched as many stuffed their faces whilst others just enjoyed the last few minutes they had with their friends.

Lucky for me, I was doing both.

I looked down at our table and caught the glimpse of blonde hair. Malfoy of course. For some reason, he reminded me of the letter I received when I was in the hospital wing.

Without thinking too much of it, I got the letter out from my robe pocket and took a closer look at it.

On the seal, it had the initials
D.M. stamped on it.

'D.M? Who has the initials D.M?' I said mindlessly before opening it up to read.

Dear, L/n

I overheard some commotion yesterday while trying to sleep so decided to investigate it.
While walking down the halls I thought I could hear your sister screaming your name, demanding to see if you were ok. I won't lie, I was afraid something had happened to you, so I followed the sound of her cries which led me to the Hospital wing. Not knowing what happened, I ran over and saw you being placed on the bed. I tried to see what had happened. I  demanded they tell me what was wrong. They said you had been attacked by some sort of animal.  I saw the scratch on your side, but before I could say anything, I was asked to leave.

Quite the night you had, L/n. Could have fooled me. I guess I'm writing this to ask what did happen? Did you actually get attacked?
If you could write back, I would appreciate it.

See you around. Not that I care really, but yeah.

P. S You sort of made this year rather enjoyable for me so...thanks.

With kind regards. D.M x


I re-read the letter. Who is D.M. and why would they write to me? More importantly, why would they worry about me, poor soul.

I look up from the letter and looked around the hall confused.

Draco Malfoy X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now