Chapter forty-three: Vitani's point of view

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(Sorry that this is a bit of a short chapter...)

Days went by, and there was still no news from Kovu. It shouldn't be too hard to earn Simba's trust, should it?

Day and night since her little brother left to the pridelands, Vitani would sneak over to the pridelands and watch Kovu from a distance. He always slept outside, at the edge of pride rock. Simba was in no mood to accept him into the pride yet. Well, that was just great. Vitani had no idea that Simba would be this stubborn. But it would be fine. All that they needed to do was wait for Kovu to gain Simba's trust, and then Kovu could lead him away and into the outlands, where Zira's pride would strike.

On one such night waiting, Vitani brought her head up from in between her paws in curiosity. There was another lion with Kovu on the ledge tonight. His red mane shone in the moonlight, and Vitani growled in delight. Simba. If Kovu just followed the plan, Scar would be avenged tonight.

"Come on, get him." Vitani whispered. But Kovu didn't attack Simba. He was...talking to him. Vitani's ears went down in both confusion and fear for her brother if he didn't carry out the assignment that Zira had given him. "What are you waiting for, Kovu? Get him." She whimpered, a bit louder than the first time.

Kovu and Simba finished talking, and then Simba turned around and proceeded into Pride Rock. And Kovu followed him. Vitani growled and slinked away. Zira would not be happy with this report.

Sneaking through the tall grasses in the dark of night, Vitani snuck past the water hole, but then backtracked a few steps, lapping a few drinks of water and then staring at a small waterfall streaming over a rock, then down to a pool that led into the great river. What had seemed like the most powerful force on earth pushing Vitani towards certain death only months ago now looked like a steady stream of flowing water over a rock, nowhere near powerful enough to brush her away now. Looking back into her reflection in the water, she sighed and lapped a few more drinks before she would have to give her report to her mother. She missed Kopa. She missed him every day. There was a part of her that still wanted to blame her mother for what had happened that day, but it didn't matter who did it. Now, it was about Kiara. That princess was going to take away her brother from her. Her baby brother. The sweet lion that she had known since day one. And Vitani wasn't about to let Kiara get away with Kovu.

Looking back down at the water, Vitani was astounded to see, as the water rippled and moved, her reflection seemed to morph as well. Instead of seeing the full-grown lioness that she was now, she saw a young cub, with pinkish-peach fur and dark brown patches of fur around her purple eyes. She saw her younger self. Carefree, innocent, with Kopa as her best friend. Scoffing, Vitani pulled herself away from the water hole. She needed to get to her mother with the news. No more memories slowing her down. She had a job to do.

For now, her childhood was dead.

But somewhere, a lion felt the same breeze Vitani felt, and he looked up at the stars.

"Soon, Vitani." He promised. "I will return soon."


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