Author Message

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(Pictured above is the author in the lion king's style.)

So, guess what? You have reached the end of this story. Congratulations, I'm so happy that you've enjoyed this story!!! I've certainly enjoyed making it.

To be honest, this was the first story that I began to write on Wattpad. I wasn't sure if it was good enough to be on the platform, since I was taking a lot of creative liberties, as we really don't know much about Zira other than what the Lion King two and The Lion Guard tell us. You guys certainly proved my doubts about the story wrong, and I'm so happy that Zira's story was able to get as many views and votes as it did!!! I'm so very thankful for all of you guys for reading the story and following along with it, no matter how crazy the plotline got.

Now, just because Zira's story is over, it doesn't mean that my Lion King series has come to an end. I have so many more ideas for stories following Giza, Muujiza, and the others, or if you guys want more backstories, I have a lot of ideas for those stories as well, such as Shenzi and Banzai, or other characters that we really don't know that much about. Let me know what you guys would like to read next.

Thanks again for all the support on the story, I hope to hear what you guys wanna read next soon!!!!

Thank you,


Guilt and Fear-The Untold story of ZiraWhere stories live. Discover now