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Elijah wasn't answering any of our questions. He kept dodging and it was quite frustrating. We had no idea what my father had planned next.

"He's not going to talk", I pulled Edward aside.

He sighed and went through his hair with his hands. I could see how annoyed and frustrated he was. We've been trying for almost an hour now and we had no answers.

"You should go. I'll handle this", he muttered.

His fist were clenching and I understood what he meant. I sighed and laid my hand on his cheek.

"We're a team, okay? I'm not leaving you", I promised.

"I know that. I don't want you to see me...",

He would change tactics. Talking to them wasn't going to work so we had to use another way. I understood that.

"Do it. They've crossed the line when they came after Daisy",

It was more to assure myself. This were my brothers. I don't know why I felt conflicted about them possibly getting hurt. Maybe it was because I pitied them and I've never had an actual sibling. Zeus and Primrose were the closest I got, but these boys shared the same blood as me. The same father.

Edward frowned at me but walked over to them. He halted in front of Elijah and bowed down to him. He was chained to the floor.

"I've four younger siblings. I can get quite raged when someone hurts them. Don't you?", his eyes went to Arthur.

The youngest visibly shivered with fear and I bite down on my lip. He reminded me too much of Primrose. Why would our father send him on a mission like this? He was truly insane.

"Unchain him and bring him to the red room",

A cry escaped his mouth when Tristan approached him. I think the red room was known for every wolf. It was a sort of torture room used for traitors, criminals, and back in the day rogues.

"Take me instead", Elijah uttered.

Desperation stood clear on his face. Tristan didn't stop and dragged Arthur out until Elijah was screaming for him to stop. He looked close to breaking down.

"Maybe you should start talking", I muttered as I took Arthur from Tristan.

I sat him down on a chair and he was crying. I grabbed a tissue from my pocket and wiped away his tears. He stared at me in confusion.

"My father sent us here only to deliver the present to Celeste. It was meant as a warning",

He was finally talking.

"Warning?", Edward demanded.

"He wants to kill Celeste and he's planning on doing it soon",

That didn't come as much of a shock to me. Maybe I was used to my father trying to kill me. 

"When?", Edward grabbed him by his collar.

"Somewhere in the summer. He's making preparations",

"More specific", he demanded.

Elijah shook his head and sighed. Gabriel next to him answered instead. His blood had dried by now.

"Our father doesn't tell us specifics. He orders us around and uses us as minions. My brother has told you everything we know", he spat.

That was something I didn't understand. Why didn't their father tell them things? I had excepted him to do so. I thought he was dying to have a son.

"But your boys! I though he so desperately wanted a son",

Arthur next to me tugged my hand and I looked down at him. His olive green eyes were the same as mine and I had to restraint myself to not hug and comfort him. Why did I feel so affectionate with him?

"He's obsessed. He doesn't care for me or my brothers. He only talks about you",

My stomach turned and I sat down.

"My father believes that killing you is a way of winning Luna Aurora over", Elijah added.

"He's still not over her?", I asked shocked.

It has been almost twenty years!

"I'm lost. Why would he want your aunt?", Edward asked.

He didn't know that part yet. My uncle and aunt didn't like to talk about it much. To them they were mates and no one else existed to them. Their previous mates turned out to be rotten apples.

"My uncle and aunt had other mates. They're each other's second mate. My aunts first mate was Alpha James but he rejected her",

He still looked confused but I promised him I would give him a more detailed explanation later. It was such a long story and almost impossible to summarise.

"Then what about your mother? I guess it's Liza?", I asked thinking about my uncle's previous mate.

"She's just as insane as our father. Completely obsessed with your uncle", Gabriel muttered.

I buried my head in my hands. We were dealing with people who were unable to let go of their pasts. I had a feeling they wouldn't be easy to get rid of, not even for Edward. Nothing can beat the power of an obsession.

Why did I feel so discouraged?

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