Chapter Twenty Two

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Word Count: 1631


I stumble down onto my hands and knees.

Immediately I sense we are somewhere different to the last place Fate brought me. Somewhere with hard wood floors and a sweltering heat which hits me right away. Forcing myself to my feet, I shake my head, the residue power lingering in the air. I hate that ability that each immortal I have come across has access to, to leaves me with shuddering legs and a sick feeling in my stomach.

"Take me back right now," I demand, whirling around to face Fate, who lingers in front of me, a smirk plastered across this face. Looking past him, I examine my escape route, but all I see is a single door, and blank walls. Whatever this place is, Fate doesn't suspect I'll risk running.

There are no windows, just wooden walls. The place is small, vacant of any furnishings, looking as though it hasn't been lived in for decades.

"I'm afraid we need to talk before I can do that," Fate tells me.

"Why? What do you possibly need to talk to me about?" I question angrily. No, I'm not going to stand here and stare at Fate who looks at me with that taunting expression, hands tucked behind his back. I'm done playing his games, having him bring me to these obscure locations to manipulate me into doing what he wants.

Pushing past him, I fling the wooden door open, revealing the outside world and hopefully my escape. But it's not. I'm faced first with another wave of heat, followed by the brittle hit of sand against my skin and the glare of the sun in my eyes.

Shielding my eyes against the light, my heart sinks deep within my chest. No matter where I look, there is no civilisation in sight, as if this small hut is all that exists out here.

He has brought me to the middle of the desert.

"Not to be redundant, but I really don't think running is the best idea," Fate says from behind me. Stumbling back a few steps, I let the door shudder closed in front of me, blocking out the sight of pure hell.

Turning around, I stare straight at Fate, anger consuming each cell in my body individual. Heat explodes from my core, ensuring that whatever this infuriating feeling is, I'm going to have to act upon it. So, with clenched fists, I charge at the arrogant looking immortal, ready to throw hits or something...anything to make him feel the amount of frustration I am at this moment.

"I desert! Really?" I snap, thrashing my fists at his chest. He steps back, avoiding my hits. "You're demented, you know that? Why couldn't we just have a civil conversation?"

Fate grabs my arm. "You call this civil?"

"I meant a civil conversation in a civil place," I growl. Fate lets go of me, as I brush my hair back, wondering if as an Immortal, he would feel pain if I knocked him in the nose. Knowing it's surely pointless, I settle myself, pinning my arms to the side. Fate is a few wary steps away, doubtful I will hurt him, but uneasy about my next emotional outburst.

What can he expect?

"To calm down, perhaps you should consider the fact that I'm speaking to you about something that will please you greatly," Fate says flatly. I pause, attempting to resort the thoughts swirling around my head. I wish I had somewhere to sit down, to collapse and think for a moment, but there is nothing around me but emptiness.

"Please me?" I breathe.

Fate sighs. "Yes. I didn't drag you away from your mate to torture you. I really don't care that much, believe it or not. I needed to talk, and I knew you wouldn't cooperate if I spoke to you in that mental hospital. So, I brought you here, for a moment."

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