Chapter Thirty

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Word Count: 1640


My blood chills as panic sets in.

It's finally happening. The immortals have had enough waiting around for me to come out of Thought's territory to attack, and are here to finally take me away. Thought has been vague about the immortals intentions are for me; maybe they want to find out how to replicate the curse, maybe bleed me out or disect my brain.

"Who is it?" I ask, not ashamed of my shuddering tone. Thought and Time exchange glances, clearly as anxious about this visator as I am. Yet they aren't the ones who may be potentially dragged away by this person, never to be seen again.

Time shifts, looking as though he is thinking, trying to detect something I can't see, once again. "I'm not sure. Someone clearly very powerful."

"I think I know."

Our gazes cast to Thought, who stares at his hands, eyes glazed. His solemn expression is enough of a tell for me to know this isn't good, and that whoever is beyond that border is someone both Thought and Time have a right to be fearful over. Which means I should be scared, because they are here for me, and if they are desperate enough to show up here in the first place, they won't be leaving without me.

I clear my throat, trying not to let my voice shudder. "Tell me, I can handle it."

"I think it's Death. She can't get in, she's trapped my barrier, but I doubt it would take her very long to figure out how to get past it if she really wanted to," Thought tells me grimly, even though he is looking toward Time, as if he is asking him with his eyes what to do.

Even Time looks frightened, although he masks it expertly. But those golden eyes of his betray him, showing enough of a flicker of fear for me to know how serious this is.

"Death? Like the immortal death?" I ask softly, hoping that by any chance, he meant someone else, even though he nods his head. "What's she doing here?"

Time shrugs. "Well that's the thing, we don't know."

"Don't scare her. I'll talk to her," Thougth says firmly, finally dragging his gaze back to mine. I don't know much about Death personally, but I've heard the legends. Once I died in my mortal form, I awoke in her realm, where an entire labyrinth of cities and prisons exist. There, people are placed for a certain amount of time, depending on how you lived your mortal life.

I lived a relatively uneventful, moral life as a mortal, and since I died quite young, I spent only a few years there. Some people live there for centuries, serving Death. No one knows why that realm exists, really. Some say it gives Death her power, while others say it's to ensure a system of justice.

"No, you can't go out there. What if she..." I draw off, thinking of all the horrible things immortals could do to each other. Especially when power is involved.

"She won't hurt me. Immortals don't hurt each other, at least not physically," Thought explains, rubbing the back of his neck anxiously, clearly not telling me something. Pure-blood immortals have strange relationships with each other. I suppose when you have millions of years together, the past quickly defines each and every relationship.

I feel so immature in these immortals presence. Even if sometimes they are more foolish than me.

"Instead, we pure-blood ruin what each other care about the most. That's how you get to an immortal the most," Time says assuredly, the smile on his face not reaching his eyes. Even though he won't admit it, I can tell he's been burnt many times before.

"She's here for me. I should be the one who faces her," I tell them both firmly. Just saying that has my stomach turning uneasily, but I especially don't want Thought going out there. This is about me, so I should be the one who goes out there and faces her.

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