|Sanemi| Brother [Angst]

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"What the f*ck? I requested reinforcement and they sent f*ckers like you?" Sanemi spat, pushing you off the side. "Forget it. Just go back. You'll just be in the way."

"I didn't go to training just to go back, brother--"

Before you know it, he slapped you. "Don't you EVER call me brother! I'm not related to sh*ts like you!"

A few of your peers rushed to your side and pulled you away. "Y-You can sit here, Y/N. The demon's scary enough. We don't want to anger Master Shinazugawa more."

You reached for him. You waited for him to turn back, to check if you're ok but he disappeared in the trees.

"I won't take no for an answer," you hissed.

Sanemi watched the demon walk around, thinking of ways to capture it for the next Final Selection. A flash of your face appeared in his head. Shaking off the guilt he focused on his mission.

"I didn't go to training just to go back, brother--"


How long has it been since you called him that? How you and your other siblings look up to him in awe.

You and your other siblings...

The sight of you reminded him how much of a coward he was back then. How he could've just sacrificed himself to let all of you live. The sight of you reminded him of how Genya's face when he saw him killed their own mother.

It was enough for Sanemi to do the dirty work. All he wanted was to have you live a normal, peaceful life. He told himself it wouldn't matter if you'll hate him, it wouldn't matter if you cut ties with him but the sight of you...

In the demon's hands, lifeless...

He snapped out of his clouds of thoughts by the screams of your comrades. The demon was effortlessly swaying them away as it squeezes you tighter, making you wail in pain. It didn't take long for you to go limp.

At that moment, Sanemi couldn't see anything but red. Hot velvet liquid everywhere. He prayed that it was the demon's blood and not yours. He prayed that you just passed out and would still call him brother again. Amid his anger, he prayed for you to be alright.

The other demon slayers didn't waste time to aid you, even when they know it's already impossible.

Sanemi knew the longer he took to make the demon fall into a slow painful death would mean less time to see you. "Breath of the Wind! Seventh Style: Gale - Sudden Gusts!!" He leaped into the air, finally slashing the demon one last time.

"Y/N..." he breathed. "Y/N!"

He ran over to your side. He couldn't even bring himself to hold you, seeing your body in crumbles. "Y-Y/N... Call help! RIGHT NOW! MOVE!" The others flinched before running away.

"Brother..." you sighed, tears falling one by one. "It hurts... so... much..."

"C-Control your breathing! It will stop your blood from flowing out. You hear me?!" He held you closer, careful not to hurt you any more than he already did. "Don't go, please. Don't leave me too."

For a moment, he could feel you breathe anymore. He was too scared to check, too numb to feel your pulse. "Brother... mother's calling me..."

"No... No, no, NO! Not yet--Y/N stay with me!"

"They're proud... of you..." you took deep breathes, ignoring the metallic taste in your mouth. "And I'm... proud too..."

From afar he saw the demon slayers, running at him. He never felt so happy seeing Shinobu on the battlefield.

"You were the best... big brother Nemi..." you sighed. "I love you... bro..."

"Help is here. You'll be ok... Y/N? Y/N!" He shook your head, panicking the longer you took to respond. It dawned to him how ghostly pale you are now. He tried to feel your pulse; from the neck to the wrist but...

He felt nothing.

He cradled you, still careful not to move you too much. Hugging you until you no longer feel like the sibling he knew. Until you were only a corpse.

A/N: I just wrote this in one go so I apologize for the errors. Please point it out so I can fix it. 

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