I can't!

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At the same time Betty had calmed down a bit, and Archie tried to talk to her.
- Hey, it's okay I'm here for you
- Why are you, Archie?
Betty asked sniffling. She couldn't understand, how he could be so nice and comforting to her now, when he had never once asked her how she felt or was doing.
- Because, Betty. Even though you picked that sc- Jughead over me, I still love you. And I know you love me too
He said looking into her eyes. Suddenly a memory popped into her mind.

She knows.
She knows about me and Jughead. Or she knows, that I have been hanging out with someone a lot lately, and I guess, she found out, it was a boy. She has always said, that boys was a waste of time, a distraction. That they weren't worthy of my time, and I didn't need them in my life. Sometimes I even think, that's how she feels about dad. And now she totally gone against her own words and set me up on a date with the biggest douche in our school. Archie Andrews. Star of the football team, and probably the biggest player in the school. Always talking shit about others, just to feel good about himself. I hate those kind of people. Those who think, that everyone's in love with him, and that they are better than everyone else. I think he liked me once, when we were kids. He always used to tease and push me, when we were smaller, and our parents would tell us to play, while they were talking. I'm really glad they aren't that good friends anymore. But now I'm forced to go on a date with him! I know my mother will punish me, if I don't, so I guess, I just gotta suck it up and act nice.

She blinked twice before going back to reality, realising just how close Archie really was. He was now leaning forward, ready to kiss her. In Archie's mind he was sure, he had won, and that Betty was his now, and only his. He couldn't believe how easy, it had been. If Jughead and Betty were that easy to break up, I guess they weren't meant to be after all, he thought to himself, which made, an evil smile appear on his lips. He had always had a secret crush on Betty. Since they were kids, and he used to stare at her through his window.
- Archie, I-I
- Shhhh... It's okay
He said leaning closer. He was just a few centimetres away now.
- I can't! I'm sorry Archie
She said before running into her house closing the door behind her. She ran up to her room and threw herself on the bed, crying once again. Even more than before. Look what this had done to her, she almost felt an attraction to Archie, which was crazy. Or was it? I mean he had changed a lot these past few months, she thought. Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door...

(A/N Another cliffhanger, I'm on a flow here. I also kinda tried to make some sort of a flashback, which I hope turned out fine... idk. I also felt so gross writing this part, but here it is. Hope you like it.)

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