Chapter 33

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(Jennie's POV)
I started to feel very weak. My eyes were starting to close, but I forced myself not to. I lookd at Rose and saw her smirking and walking away with a smile on her face. I saw everyone coming, even Jin. Hyunjin kept hold of me.

"Jennie, Jennie. Stay with me alright. We'll go hospital and get you all healed up-" I interrupted him by slowly putting a hand by his cheek.

"No point Hyunjin... The hospital will get you to prison. I'm NOT letting that happen because of me." I replied, slowly smiling at him. Jungkook went on the opposite side of Hyunjin and looked at me. I smiled at him and gave him a small letter that I wrote before planning to come here. Hyunjin carried me and jumped across the rooftop, roughly landing on top of the car that Felix was in.

"Felix. Take us to the nearest hospital." He commanded, still carrying me in bridal style as he took me inside the car with him.

"But Hyunjin, you could go to prison-"

"I DON'T F*CKING CARE! TAKE US TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!" He yelled. My head started to ache more and my wound's pain was getting worse. I saw Felix driving to a direction that was going to the hospital.

As we arrived in the hospital, Hyunjin continued on carrying me and told the doctors to do whatever they can to make me feel better. I couldn't really see much anymore and I felt as if police officers were saying something like, "Hyunjin, your under arrest for theft, murderer and for all of your crimes." Then, I remembered Hyunjin smiling at me cutely and giving me a soft kiss on the lips before getting handcuffed by the police.

(Jungkook's POV)
As soon as Jennie and Hyunjin were gone, I looked at the little piece of folded paper that Jennie gave to me. Jin was already out of sight, and so was Rose. But everyone else was here.

"Was that... Jennie getting stabbed?" Taehyung stated. I stomped my foot and barged past everyone. I went to my room and slammed the door, as well as locking it. I sat down on the edge of my bed and slowly unfolded the letter. It says:

"Hey Jungkook. It's been a few days, weeks or even months, I don't even know. But anyways, I wrote this letter to give to you when I'm dead. Not you. When did I write this down? I wrote this down whilst I was at Hyunjin's. I just wanted to tell you that I'm really pissed at you. That's because of what you did to my parents. I'm sure that Jin feels the same way to. However, when I said that I planned to kill you, I started to have doubts. Why's that? That's because I was still inlove with you, and I probably still feel the same way. Actually, not probably, I STILL feel the same way. I know for sure that I'll be dead by the time I try to kill you. That's alright though, because I know that we'll meet eachother again someday. When we meet eachother, let's meet eachother with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of our love.

Remember this Kookie, those you love will never, EVER leave your side because there are things that death cannot touch, and that's me, alongside everyone else. Everyone will die someday Jungkook. All things must pass away. So I'll just have to wait for you in heaven.

Love you Jungkook.
From, Jennie xx :))"

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