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Josh had been at this school for just over two weeks now and he was completely exhausted. Ever since his first day of school, he had been having there really strange nightmares. Every night he would be plunged into a different nightmare, each one of them ending the exact same: him trapped in a room full of blood accompanied by a blood covered Oliver.

Currently he was sat in English, staring at the wall with blood shot eyes as he waited for the bell to go. Josh actually really liked English, not that he'd ever admit that to anyone. Back when he still had ambitions and thought his life could go somewhere, he had always wanted to get a degree in English and become a novelist. Oh how times had changed, now he struggled to write anything even remotely creative.

The bell rang out through the school, causing Josh to flinch due to his jittery caffeine-induced state. He looked around him slowly, realising everyone else in the class was packing up so he should probably do the same. He shoved his pencil case and book into his backpack before readjusting his uncomfortable school blazer, wondering why the hell sixth formers at this school still had to wear uniform.

"Joshua, Oliver. Wait behind, please." The teacher called across the room whilst he continued rubbing pen off the white board at the front of the classroom. Josh froze at that name, the name of the boy who haunted his dreams. Oliver hadn't really spoken to Josh since his first day, but Josh would often find the sickly pale boy staring at him in class and from across the dinner hall. It creeped Josh out, to say the very least.

Josh waited until the class was almost empty until he walked towards the teachers desk. Oliver was already stood there, waiting silently with a sick grin plastered across his face. Josh almost felt sick just looking at him, knowing how much torment the taller boy had cause him in the last week, even if it was just in his dreams.

"So Oliver, since Josh's last school didn't study Romeo and Juliet last year he needs someone to help him catch up. You've currently got the highest grade in the class so I thought maybe you would be interested in helping him." The teacher said cheerily, clearly not picking up on the look of horror that flashed across Josh's face.

Josh prayed to whatever god was out there that this was just another one of his nightmares, nothing more than a bad dream he could wake up from in the morning. He didn't know why he feared Oliver so much; maybe it was the nightmares, or his sick smile or his ability to make Josh feel uncomfortable with nothing but his presence.

"Actually, sir, I think I'm okay by myself-"

"I would love to help Josh out." Oliver interrupted, smiling politely at their teacher, Mr Carson, before glancing over at the blue eyes boy besides him who he noticed had giant bags under his eyes.

"Great!" Mr Carson smiled. He was Josh's favourite teacher, up until this point that is. "Maybe you can meet after school in the library or at one of your houses."

"We can meet at my house." Said Oliver quickly, turning to give Josh a small smile as he looked straight into his bright blue eyes. "Tonight. Meet me at the school gates after 5th period."

Before Josh could object or make up some kind of shitty excuse, Oliver had already dashed out of the classroom. Josh frowned but followed Oliver lead, leaving Mr Carson alone as he went to his next lesson.

For the rest of the day he couldn't seem to focus, his mind fixated on how dark Oliver's eyes were today; so dark they looked black. When Josh looked into Olivers eyes he couldn't see anything, just darkness, like he didn't have a soul. It terrified Josh, it really did.

He couldn't help but remember his first day, when Oliver had for some reason followed him behind the bike sheds. He could still remember the feeling of his fist becoming paralysed in the air like it was connect to invisible strings that were controlling his movements. Josh had tried and tried again to think of an explanation for that moment, but he just couldn't, it was almost supernatural.

stabbing in the dark ~fransykes~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt