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16 years ago.

Carol pushed the pushchair along happily, dressed in formal wear with her hair pinned back and curled. Next to her was her husband, dressed equally as smart in a suite and tie. They walked through the quite village streets, excited to get to the church where they were hosting their first christening ceremony.

Oliver sat in the pushchair motionlessly, not even blinking as he watched the world go by around him. He was dressed in a toddler sized suite consisting of a smart white shirt and black trousers. His curly hair was brushed through and styled to perfection by his mother.

As the approached the small village church, Oliver began to fidget. His tiny hands curled up into fists and his whole body began to shake as an anxious feeling grew inside of him.

Dave looked at his fidgeting son and shook his head, rolling his eyes at the fussy toddler. It wasn't that Dave didn't love his son, he just didn't feel the same connection with him like his wife did. It was like something was off about the small child, as ridiculous as that sounded considering Oliver was barely 2 yet. Something just wasn't quite right...

The family continued their walk all the way up to the church, where they were greeted merrily by some of their friends and of course the priest. Oliver spat out his dummy and began to cry, his sobs getting louder the closer he got to the church itself.

"Maybe we should start the ceremony early, everyone seems to be here." The priest suggested as he looked down at the crying child, a lump forming in his throat when his eyes met the dark ones of the toddler before him. He couldn't help but feel slightly uneasy, as if someone was walking over his grave.

"That's a great idea!" Carol said happily, pulling her still crying child out of the pushchair. Oliver's skin became hot as they walked through the doors of the quaint church and towards the bowl of holy water from which he would be christened. His head began to spin, as they world around him became blurry.

The guest took their seats in the pews as Carol slowly walked up the isle and to the bath of water. The priest began his speech as he took the still crying toddler from his mother, making Oliver let out a scream as his skin burnt even more.

The pain was indescribable, incomparable to even the pain of a thousand hot needles being pushed into Oliver's skin all at once. His insides contorted, burning up as the priest drew the holy cross across his chest.

As soon as Oliver's skin touched the holy pool of water, it began to burn and welt, creating a bright red rash across his previously pale skin. His vision began to darken, every second becoming more and more clouded until the point where he couldn't see anymore.

With burning skin and blinded vision, Oliver listened to the sound of the guests screaming and his mother ringing an ambulance. He listened to the frantic prayers of the priest, who held the burning toddler in his hands.

Dave looked over at his motionless, burn covered son in horror, remaining paralysed to the spot even after the paramedics had taken him away. No one else was left in the church now, only him.

He slowly approached the bowl of holy water, almost screaming himself when he noticed the water was no longer clear. In fact the liquid wasn't even water anymore, it was now purely blood.

stabbing in the dark ~fransykes~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora