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Happy Halloween fuckers🎃👽👻

"I'm...I'm a demon."

"What? Y-you can't be...t-they don't exist!" Josh whimpered, blunt nails digging into his neck as he felt all the air from his lungs get caught in it. Oliver sighed heavily, tongue brushing against his fangs swiftly before he grabbed Joshua's hands and pushed then against the floor.

"I am." Oliver shrugged, emotionlessly. "I'm the son of the devil, prince of hell."

"T-then why are you here?" Josh whispered, scared eyes searching Oliver's completely black ones before falling down on his parted lips that exhibited his sharp fangs.

"I broke the rules, so my father sent me to earth as a punishment. But it's almost time for me to return." He sighed, getting off of Josh's hips before rolling onto the wet grass instead. Joshua shivered as a wing pressed against his sleeve. He eyed it cautiously before giving into his impulse to reach out and touch it, gasping as the soft surface brushed against his fingertips, making Oliver smile. The demon boy removed the humans hand from his wing, instead pressing it against his chest where his heart should beat.

"You're actually warm for once." Josh laughed quietly, pressing his palm down softly against the skin that peeked through the shredded remains of Oliver's black shirt. He ran his fingertips against the hot surface, listening to Oliver heavy, patterned breathing.

"We should go, you'll get hyperthermia in those wet clothes." Oliver announced, moving onto his side as he reached up to place his warm hands against Josh's almost blue skin. Josh shook his head, gritting his teeth as he tried to repress his obvious shivering. There was so much still on his mind, so much he wanted to ask. If they left now, who knows if he would ever get the truths he so desperately craved.

"What's happening to me, Oliver?" Josh asked quietly, biting down on his lips as to not let out another trapped sob. He was scared, really scared. More scared then he had been waiting in the hospital for his parents to wake up from the funny blue beds, more scared then he had been when he got expelled for the first time, more scared then he had been watching the life drain from Jane's cheeks in that upside down car.

"What do you mean?" Oliver squinted.

"The nightmares...a-and the black stuff I keep throwing up...and the p-owers." Josh gasped, squeezing his eyes tightly as anxiety burned in his chest. "What I did to that boy, fuck I-I didn't even touch him! And today, I flung you across the street with a light push!"

"You're dying Josh." Oliver shivered painfully, pressing his forehead against Josh's as he felt the other boy break down into horrific, loud sobs. A tear escaped Oliver's eye too, a single tear. The first tear the demon boy had ever produced...one more tear then he head shed at his parents funeral all those years ago.

"Please Oliver, I can'5 die!" Josh cried desperately.

"I'm so sorry, Joshua." He replied sympathetically, not a hint of a lie present in his croaky voice. "You'll still be on this earth...just different."

"I don't get what you mean."

"You're becoming one of me, a demon that is." Oliver sighed loudly. "Eventually your heart will stop beating and the process will be complete. My venom is already inside of you, there's nothing we can do now."

"T-there must be something." Josh whispered in a broken voice. His body was completely slumped against the floor now, drained of all energy and numb to the coolness of the autumn air.

"Well there is, but I don't think you're going to like it very much." The demons boy shrugged, sitting up and wrapping his long, pale arms around his bent knees. His wings hugged his body from behind, shielding his warm skin from the blistering, British weather.

"What is it?" Josh chocked reluctantly, wiping his flustered face with the back of his sleeve. Oliver sighed, looking at the starts above them that's gleamed brightly. He could imagine the angels sitting up in heaven, laughing down at the demon boys tragic love story unfold.

"I have to die."

"No!" The human boy yelled urgently, reaching out to grab the other boys shoulders in desperation, as if Oliver was going to suddenly melt into the ground. Judging by how weird this night had already been, it wouldn't be surprising if that exact scenario actually happened.

"Do you want to die and become a demon, Joshua?" Oliver seethed bitterly, making another wave of teardrops unleash from Joshua's bloodshot, swollen eyes.

"I don't know!" Joshua yelled back through his shattered sobs, clutching onto Oliver even harder, his knuckles turning the colour of snow.

"How can you not know?!"

"The only thing I know for sure is that you can't die!"

"I don't see why you care so much." Oliver sneered.

"Because I need you, okay!" Joshua yelled loudly, throat dry and hoarse from the amount of crying and yelling that had unfolded in the last hour or so. "You're the only person I have left, you can't leave me here all alone. I have no family, no friends, everyone at school thinks I'm a freak. But that doesn't bother me because I have you, and that's all I need to get through this shitty life. I love you, Oliver."

"No you don't." Oliver said bitterly, sternly. It was a statement, a fact. He wouldn't - couldn't - let himself believe that Joshua loved him because that would mean....he couldn't even let himself think of what that meant. The thought was like a stab straight through his stone heart. "And I sure as hell don't love you back."

"Really?" Josh laughed lifelessly. "I think that's bullshit and you know it. Say it you fucking coward, say that you love me!"

"I can't."

"Then I'm leaving and you'll never see me again." Josh shook his head, standing up off the wet ground and trudging away. He couldn't cry anymore, there were no tears left to cry and emotional fatigue had suddenly hit him like a bus. He didn't turn back, nor wanting Oliver to see his swollen eyes or flushed cheeks.

"Please, Josh, if you leave now you'll die of hyperthermia before-"

"Who cares, I'm dying anyway right? Or did you forget that?" Josh shouted angrily, stomping into the darkness. Just as he was bout to cross the road, he felt the wind swish around him and then suddenly there were arms wrapped around his shoulders and soft, feather wings batting against his back. He gasped, feeling a wave of dizziness and nausea knock him off balance. When the world finally stopped spinning, he was in Oliver's room staring at the dark walls as he panted. The demon boy was no where to be seen, instead he was alone as the darkness of the room swallowed him whole.

And then suddenly Oliver reappeared, and there was a towel around Josh's dripping wet chest that was now bare. The human boy gulped loudly, glancing down to see his socked hoodie and shirt in a heap on the carpet. Hesitantly he glanced up, sighing in a small sense of relief when he saw that Oliver was back to his normal human(kinda) form. His horns, fangs and wings were gone, his eyes no longer completely black. He looked like the Oliver that Josh had fallen in love with again.

Oliver breathed deeply through his nose, exhaling through his parted lips before he lent down until he was face to face with the human boy on his bed. He placed his hands on Joshua's flustered cheeks, his skin back to being as icy as before. His lips brushed against Joshua's, their noses touching delicately, although they never kissed. Instead, Oliver opened his mouth to speak softly into Joshua's ear.

"I love you too, darling."

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