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Oliver tugged the other boy through the crowded hallway effortlessly, smirking deviously at the way the other students naturally parted as they walked past. It was like the pair were celebrities on their very own red carpet, everyone's gazes stuck to them as they cowered back into the lockers. Was this how Moses felt when he parted the ocean in the book of Exodus? The power intoxicating, not that Oliver needed any more power over the pathetic, insignificant humans around him, who would never process a fraction of the ability that he did.

Josh on the other hand, cowered from the newly found stares , clutching onto Oliver's palm as if it were a life support machine. He knew why they were staring, knew what they were thinking. He had seen his reflection in the mirror this morning: he looked like something out of the walking dead. Almost blue lips, ghostly pale skin, dark bags under his eyes, sunken cheekbones and messy hair. Yet he didn't care, as Oliver had told him he was beautiful as soon as their eyes had met that morning, and Oliver's opinion was the only one that mattered anymore.

Something Joshua had picked up from ears-dropped gossip since he had moved to this school was the reputation Oliver held. He was a loner, no one speaking to him unless spoken too first, which was an extremely rare occasion. Yet, he was both feared and loved; feared due to his reputation for erratic behaviour and getting into fights, but swooned over by many girls who found his dark, mysterious aura attractive. Even now Joshua still caught glimpses of girls staring at Oliver longingly, bashful expressions and cheeks rosy. Not that he was jealous or anything, no definitely not.

They finally reached the boys bathrooms, which were thankfully empty. Oliver sighed in relief, messaging at his temples with one hand whilst he used his other to channel his powers, using them to jam the door so that nobody could get in, even if they tried to. Josh perched against the nearest sink, casually extending his lanky legs across the dirty bathroom floor as he waited for Oliver's attention to return to him, like a dog waits for its owner.

"Finally!" Oliver groaned loudly, throwing his hands up in the air dramatically before sauntering over to the only other person in the room, a smile tugging at the edges of his pink lips. "Those idiotic humans are doing my head in. I wish the whole human race would just burn in hell already."

"Rude. I'm an 'idiotic human' you know." Josh grumbled, rolling his eyes, making Oliver laugh. Josh felt fingertips glide across his jawline, reaching along his cheeks before gracing his lips softly. The electricity between them buzzed in the air, a connection that was growing stronger by the day, along with their feelings for one another.

"And yet I somehow managed to fall in love with you." He replied quickly, closing his death filled eyes as he leaned his stone cold forehead against Joshua's luke warm one. No longer hot like before, just subtly warm from the part of his human heart that still remained untouched by the darkness that was spreading within his dying body. "Unlike those feasting, brainless maggots out there in the corridor."

"They're not that bad." Joshua laughed angelically, reaching his long fingers up to play with the gently curls that licked at Oliver's neck. The devil boy sighed at the feeling of warmth that rushed to his stone heart, closing the distance between them without hesitation. From the on everything was a hazy blur of dancing lips, greedy hands wandering.

This had become a routine for them lately; everyday they would somehow find themselves in an empty room at school, lips touching and bodies fitting together like puzzle pieces. It had started in abandoned classrooms, then the cleaning supplies room, then the sports changing rooms, now the bathrooms. It was the small amount of exhilarating they both needed to get through the school day, the few moments of sanctuary away from the world where they could just be together.

The human boy groaned into the kiss as he was shoved against the wall, pain exploding across his back. He broke away to inhale sharply, feeling the same hot pain travel up his spine again. He shrugged it off, pushing it to the back of his mind where most things were these days.

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