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Beep. Beep. Beep.

Josh slowly arose to the steady, monotonous sound he knew all too well for someone his age. The sound that surrounded him on the day of the accident, the sound that wouldn't leave his head as the social workers pulled him away from the side of his unresponsive mother's bed. The sound that plagued him, reminded him of what he truly was: an orphan.

Blurry, ocean eyes slowly opened, a grunt of pain spewing from his lips as he shifted his heavy body uncomfortably. White, everything was white, and the strong smell of chemicals and disinfectant instantly made his stomach churn. Dazed, he looked over at the small table beside him and sighed at the cheap cards that had been placed there, probably by classmates trying to lessen their guilty burden. Who was he kidding, that was defiantly why they were there. No one at that school actually liked him enough to buy him a card out of pure kindness or sympathy.

Well except for maybe one person....unluckily for Josh said person didn't feel sympathy, nor was he pure in any respect.

A few seconds of staring pointlessly at the ceiling later, and a doctor was stepping into the room, clutching a clipboard in one gloved hand. Josh almost flinched at the sight, too many bad memories involving doctors springing to mind. He really hated hospitals.

"Ah Mr Franceschi, it seems you're awake." The doctor nodded, looking down his glasses at an unresponsive Josh who didn't know what to say. "Do you remember what happened?"

Josh concentrated hard, his mind hazy and scrambled. He finally managed to put the pieces of his memory together to form a jigsaw of what happened before he passed out. Football. Pain. Blood. Screaming. Oliver. He nodded slowly at the doctor, hating the analytic, cold stare the man possessed.

"Your boyfriends been waiting for hours in reception to see you." The doctor commented as he tapped his pen tediously against the clipboard, the word boyfriend coming out with a slight edge of disgust. Josh refrained from rolling his eyes, confused for a second of who this 'boyfriend' of his could be, until it finally clicked. "Should I let him in?"

The ocean eyes boy nodded silently, a weight growing inside his throat preventing him from speaking. He didn't trust doctors, they've let too many people close to him slip through their fingers. They didn't care. They didn't understand. To them it was just another day at work, another patient, another death. Finally the doctor left, leaving Josh alone to digest the anxiety fed by his white surroundings.

Beep. Beep. Beep-

And then the door swung open, revealing an emotionless looking Oliver with his hands in his pockets like he had opened the door with his mind or something. He dropped his school backpack on the floor by the side of the bed before crossing his arms over his chest confidently. Josh smiled as the familiar presence eased the tension of his surroundings, his lips falling flat when he got nothing but a harsh glare in return.

Oliver couldn't keep his eyes from wandering across the bruises that littered Josh's boy from falling and the drip that penetrated his sickly, snow-white skin. His other arm was wrapped in a thick cast, making Oliver frown even more. His dark eyes were completely clouded black, glaring into Josh's light ones as they stood in silence.

"Come to wake me up with true loves kiss, Prince Charming?" Josh joked, voice groggy and thick with sleep as he smiled lazily. Oliver didn't laugh or even smile, making Josh's eyebrows furrow in confusion. Why wasn't he happy that Josh was alright? It wasn't like Oliver to be this silent, recently it had been hard to get him to shut up so that Josh could get in a word edge ways.

"This isn't a joke, Joshua." Oliver said lowly, dark and slow as his teeth bared and ground in withheld anger. He walked all the way up to Josh's bed, not stopping until their noses were brushing. Josh suppressed a whimper as he looked down at the broken hand in his lap, intimidated by the rage that drilled like poison from Oliver's mouth.

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