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Josh sat calmly at the long table with all the other children in the care home, slowly picking at the disgusting slop in front of him which apparently constituted as food. He looked around him, almost gagging in disgust when he realised the other children were actually consuming the disgusting, greasy mess that they had been consumed.

The room around him was consumed by chatter and laughter, along with the general sound of kids being kids. Josh felt out of place. He was one of the oldest people here, there were only about 3 other teenagers in this home, which made him feel odd sitting at a table with around a dozen small kids.

It wasn't like the people here were not nice, quite the opposite actually, but Josh hadn't really made any attempts to make any friends, or at least acquaintances, yet so everyone around him were strangers. Strangers that acted like one big family, with Josh awkwardly mushed onto the end.

The door bell rang, causing all the talking to quieten down as everyone's attention was suddenly on the door. The kids eyes bulged as they shifted in anticipation, each one of them probably hoping it was a set of parents to come and whisk them away from this hell hole. Josh mentally scoffed, he had given up on that dream a long time ago.

One of the social workers emerged out of the office and opened the door, chatting to the person on the other side for a couple of seconds before slamming the door again. They then walked across the empty hall to the busy dining room, their heels clicking against the wooden floorboards in an annoying manner.

"Josh it's for you." They said in a monotone voice. Josh flinched in surprise, wondering who the hell would come to see him. He got out of his seat, praying to any god out there that it wasn't Jane at the door.

Josh's prays must have been answered, as it wasn't in fact Jane at the door. It was Oliver. He was just as pale as ever, his snow like arms on show despite the evening coldness outside. He was wearing a grey beanie which hid all but a few of his curly stands of hair, which usually fell over his face.

"What are you doing here?" Josh asked in confusion. He didn't remember telling Oliver where he lived......

"I was bored and I thought seen as though we were friends now that we could hang out." The dark eyed boy smiled, the kind of lopsided smile that people did when they wanted something.

"Umm...no one ever said we were friends?" Josh asked, once again confused. He seemed to get confused a lot when he was around Oliver.

"I think you'll find that I just did." Oliver smiled. Josh internally groaned, wishing he was back at the dining room table eating that disgusting grease covered food again.

"I'm sorry Oliver but I'm not really allowed to go out or have people over..." Josh lied between his teeth, hoping it was enough to get the boy to leave him alone so that he could go back inside and watch Netflix alone. Unfortunately for Josh, luck was not exactly on his side today as one of the social workers suddenly appeared behind him.

"Josh you can go out with your friend if you want, you just have to be back by 9." She said sweetly, smiling at Oliver who smiled right back. Josh rolled his eyes, wishing for nothing more then for a plane to suddenly crash into the care home, instantly killing him and the annoying social worker behind him.

"Great." Josh said, slightly bitter. He pulled on his coat and slip on vans before leaving through the door, making sure to slam it as hard as he could just to piss off everyone inside.

"Are you hungry?" Oliver asked as soon as the door was shut, startling Josh slightly as he momentarily forgot Oliver was even there.

"No." Josh shrugged, lying again. He was starving seen as though he hadn't touched his dinner and forgot to pack lunch today for school.

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