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Oliver's POV

I watch through the slit in the curtains as my angel cries helplessly, unaware of my presence. His rosy face is pressed into the pillow, arms clutching it tightly as his whole body shakes with sadness. Sadness; a human emotion I've never quite understood until I met Josh, along with many others. It always seemed so useless to me, something so easy for a creature like me to simply not feel. And yet as I watch Joshua cry my chest tightens, my breath caught in my lungs as my heart becomes hollow.

Is this what sadness feels like? Is this what Josh's feeling right now? I hope not, this feels terrible... like my heart has just been ripped from my chest and put through a shredder. For the first time in my life I don't feel in control of the darkness anymore, instead I let it control me and fester inside my body like a deadly parasite. I can't take this anymore, the sight of him upset makes my skin crawl and my eyes sting.

God, what is happening to me?

A blink of an eye and I'm suddenly inside of the children's home, the sound of Joshua's muffled cries echoing in the empty hallway. My blood boils at the incompetence of the humans that are meant to be looking after him, as I wonder why they haven't heard my angels sad whimpers and immediately rushed to help him. They clearly can't look after him like I can, which is understandable considering they are just useless humans.

Slowly I twist the door handle, peaking into the dimly lit room cautiously like I haven't been observing it through the window for the last few hours. I don't think I'll even get bored of watching my human, even when he's doing simple things like folding clothes and brushing his teeth. He's just so fascinating...maybe that's why he was able to touch my cold, lifeless heart in a way no one else has done before. Ugh, I hate all these emotions so much.

Swiftly I step into the room, a cold breeze obviously following me as the human boy's body shivers. The cold doesn't bother me like it does the humans, it's actually quite a nice contrast to the burning heat of hell. As if he can sense my presence, Joshua pulls his red-blotchy face out of the pillow and turns to look at me with bloodshot eyes. My heart clenches again as my eyes rest on his innocent face, tear streaked as his feeble body shuffles around beneath the covers. From here he looks so small, so powerless, with his body curled up in a ball. Something inside of me calls out to protect him, instincts maybe?

It's been a couple of days since Josh was dismissed from the hospital and since then I've been missing him like hell. School suddenly feels so lonely, and walking home without him feels like a chore. Sure I've been checking up on him everyday through the window, but it just isn't the same. I miss the feeling of his warm hand against my cold one, the feeling of his breath against my neck when we talk, the faint smell of cigarettes that follows in his path. I miss him.

I keep telling myself that it's because we're bonded, because he's mine, but in the back of mind I know it's more than that. So much more.

"Oli?" He mumbled sleepily with a pout, wiping his tears away with his sleeves quickly like I haven't already noticed he's crying. I flash him my signature mischievous smile, walking up his bed and sitting down next to it on the floor, one leg bent and the other stretched out as I lean my elbows on the mattress by his face. This room is so dull and small, not suitable for Josh at all.

"Long time no see, darling." I chime, making him roll his beautiful ocean eyes and smile slightly. The sight of his imperfectly-perfect teeth showing through the slight gap between his lips made me smile too, something I didn't do very often util the day I tripped Josh in class.

"It's been two days." He scoffed sarcastically. If he was anyone else I would have scolded him for talking back to me like that, but Josh doing it was cut- umm fine.

"Two days too many." I counteract, resting my arm against his slightly to feel that electric connection we have that makes me feel alive. I've been craving it like a drug recently, already hooked past the point of return. Josh must feel it too, as a satisfied sigh falls from his lips as soon as our arms touch.

"Why are you crying?" I pout, matching his sad expression as we look deeply into one another's eyes. He blinks, turning his head away to look at the ceiling instead, shrinking back under my intense gaze.

"I'm not." He lies, pretty badly if I might add. He must know by now that he can't lie to me, I can practically see all the thoughts going through his pretty little human brain.

"Don't lie to me." I huff, eye focusing on his face as I use my powers to gently force his head towards me so that I can see him better. He rolls his eyes at my behaviour, my powers not even phasing him anymore. Oh Joshua, if only you knew how scared of my powers you should really be...if you only you knew the unspeakable things I could do.

"How did you even get in here? The front door was locked hours ago?" He asks, nose scrunching up as he tries to fight the hold I have on his face to no avail.

"Stop avoiding the question!" I huff angrily, sending that my eyes are beginning to redden at the frustration of this conversation. Humans can be such stubborn little shits sometimes.

"Jesus, Oliver, I'm just sad okay! Stop pestering me unless you're going to do something about it." He huffs back, finally facing the ceiling again as I let my hold on him fade.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I ask accusingly, getting up from the floor and stretching my lanky legs before I begin to pace up and down the tiny room.

"C-an't you do that thing again?"

"What thing?"

"The bite thing you did before, t-that takes away the pain?" He asks nervously, making me stop my pacing to sigh. My poor baby, he has no idea how these things work.

"It doesn't work like that, love." I almost whisper into the silence, my eyes sympathetic and gentle as I look back at him. He whimpers softly, tears erupting from his eyes as they begin to fall down his pretty face once again. Awkwardly I approach the bed again, sitting next to him on the mattress instead of the floor as I rub his blanket covered knee in what I hope is a comforting gesture. I'm not good at this whole emotions and comforting thing, alright?

"Please, Oliver." He begs, chocking as his body begins to shake again. I look down at the floor with wide eyes, unsure of what I'm meant to do to help him. I've never dealt with this kind of thing before, I'm not use to having to look after a human and attend to their emotional needs.

"It only works for physical pain...not, eh, y'know emotions and stuff."

"Oh." He sighs sadly, my heart squeezing at the simple sound and my heart skipping a beat. "Well then let's just...err...cuddle instead."

"Cuddle?" I ask in confusion, my nose scrunching up at the word. Creatures like me don't 'cuddle', we kill without mercy and smile all the way through it. Maybe looking after a human is more difficult then I thought. Josh laughs at my distressed face, leaning in so close I can feel the warm radiation of his body before pressing his lips against mine quickly.

We both close our eyes tightly, instantly moaning in unison at how good the electric sparks between us feel. It rushes through my veins, burning my skin in the best kind of way. Then he pulls away, blushing heavily as he pushes the covers over my body so that we are both between the sheets.

I almost flinch at the feeling of his head hitting my chest, his arm going around me as well as one of his legs until he's basically in my lap. Without hesitation I hug him back, wrapping both my arms around his bare chest so that I can feel his soft skin. When I look down his eyes are closed, peace gracing his innocent features, so angelic I can practically see a halo above his head. I wonder how much will be left of that ring of pure light after I've finished with him.

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