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Happy album release day!

It was late, very late. The sun had long set over the now tranquil town, the streetlights casting a shadow over the empty road that Joshua scraped his muddy trainers across as they walked. It was Halloween too; blown out pumpkins along with disregarded sweet wrappers littering the barren side walk. Josh had always liked Halloween, especially the shitty horror films and the 'scary' decorations. Much better than Christmas in his opinion, but that might be due to the fact that he didn't have a family to celebrate the loving season with. Christmas was like another punch to the face to Josh, another excuse for the universe to remind him that his parents were in fact dead and never coming back.

Josh frowned at the thought, feeling a wave of sadness wash over him as he caught sight of a family sat together watching a film though their living room window. He wondered if Oliver missed his family too, but then shook his head at the thought. Of course he does Josh, he isn't that heartless!

If only Josh knew...

He looked over at the lanky boy next to him who had his hood pulled up over his messy hair, dressed in black from head to toe like he was about to rob a jewellery store. The shorter boy moved in closer, hesitantly twisting his frost-bitten fingers with the other mans equally as cold ones. Oliver's fingers were always felt cold though, his skin absence of normal human warmth. Maybe the coldness of his black soul had leaked though, infesting the rest of him with the same bitter chill of darkness.

Oliver looked over at Josh the down at their interlocked hands before pulling away, shoving his hands into his pockets awkwardly instead. The blue eyed boy shot him a confused look, trying not to seem too upset though inside he could feel his chest aching.

"What won't you hold my hand?" Josh asked in offence, wondering what he had done so wrong it had driven Oliver so far away that they couldn't even touch.

"Drop it Josh." Oliver sighed, making Josh even more upset and confused. They both avoided each other's faces for a second, looking off into the darkness in different directions.

"Are you embarrassed by me? Is it because I'm a boy? It's pitch black anyway, no one will be able to see us-"

"For fuck sake, I'm not embarrassed by you!" Oliver seethed, tension talking over his shoulders as he slumped forward even more. "We kissed on the street yesterday in front of my whole street, or did you forget that, huh?"

"Who pissed in your cornflakes this morning?" Joshua muttered, which seemed to tip Oliver over the edge as the next thing he knew he was being pushed up harshly against a fence by the other boy. Josh huffed, sinking back in submission under the intense glare of Oliver pitch black eyes.

"This isn't fucking funny Joshua, tonight is really serious!" Oliver seethed, sharp cheekbones glistening under the yellow light projected over his face. Josh panted, shoving the other boys chest away from him lightly. To both of their surprise, Oliver's boy flew across the pavement, landing with the crash in the middle of the road.

"I-I-I'm s-so sorry! Oh my god Oliver, a-are you okay?" Josh gasped in horror, looking at his unaffected hands in shock before rushing into the road where Oliver's body was sprawled. Oliver laughed loudly, darkly, before jumping to his feet with a smirk.

"I'm more than okay!" He examined happily, laughing to himself into the darkness so obnoxiously that it made multiple disgruntled parents come to the window to see what all the commotion was. Oliver grinned wickedly, cold finger gracefully wiping the line of blood that had trickled from Josh's nose off with one swipe.

"I don't understand-"

"Shhh, baby, we are almost here." Oliver cooed, quickly walking up the street before he turned a corner into an empty, muddy field. Josh screwed up his nose, looking from the boggy ground up to Oliver in disgust. Oliver shrugged, sinking the heels of his converse into the mud before walking across the stodgy field. Josh sighed, reluctantly following behind, even if his shoes were getting ruined in the process. A pair of shoes were way less valuable to him then the answers to all his questions would be.

Oliver lead him to a clearing, a circle of large stones set out in the middle. The full moon beamed directly into the centre, creating a small circle of light which Oliver shifted to stand under. He pulled down his hood, talking off his jacked completely before letting the fresh air invade his lung with an exaggerated sigh.

Just then the ground started to shake violently, the rocks rumbling like thunder so hard the vibrations sent Josh tumbling to the floor. He cursed loudly, grabbing his wrist that had took the impact as hot pain shot up his arm. He looked up from his now mud covered arm, chocking on his breath as he watched light pour down on Oliver.

Oliver reached his arms up, embracing the light that cracked through the dark clouds as power ran through his veins. He felt his muscles twist as crack, his skin breaking apart as his true form broke free from the constraints of his human body.

Josh screamed from the ground as he watched Oliver's skin break open, huge dark wings sprouting from his now shredded shirt as black horns perturbed from his curly hair. His scream turned into a chocked sob as Oliver fell to the floor, the light above him suddenly gone as he parted heavily against the mud. His black wings rose and fell with his breaths, fluttering slightly in the bitter wind. Their eyes connected from afar, ocean blue meeting pitch blue, soulless ones.

And with one look Joshua was running, on his feet and sprinting before he could even comprehend getting up. His fight of flight mode kicked in fast, adrenaline hot in his system as his lungs begged for air. And then he was crashing to the ground, his shoulders pressing against the mud as something heavy held him down. He shut his eyes, praying to all the gods to save him as he felt Oliver hot breath against his neck, almost burning.

He didn't fight anymore, limbs suddenly drained of all energy as he felt himself being flipped over. His face was now level with the other boys, one he knew so well and yet apparently didn't know at all. If it wasn't for the sharp pain in his wrist he would have put this all down to being a dream. This wasn't real, how could it be? Things like this happened in books, or films, not in real life.

That's when the tears started, tears of fear and frustration and confusion as Joshua laid on the cold, wet ground with this creature sat atop of him. A creature he thought was a normal human...well maybe not normal but defiantly not a supernatural being.

"Shit, sweetheart, please don't cry." Oliver gulped, desperate for Josh to accept him. He really needed Josh, like really needed him. He had put far too much effort into this one boy for his plan to fail now. Not to mention the feelings he was beginning to develop for the human boy, feelings he had never felt for anyone before.

"O-Oliver what are you?" Josh whispered tiredly, half open eyes glistening with innocent tears as they wandered across the pair of twilight coloured wings.

"I'm...I'm a-"

Second half of this chapter will be up tomorrow for a Halloween special🎃👻

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