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2 years ago

Oliver clutched at the knife in his hand. The voices in his head were becoming tedious now, constantly whispering the same phrase over and over again: kill them. Every day he felt more and more anger bubble inside of him as the voices before louder and louder, eventually even louder then his own.

Oliver spent many years trying to fight the darkness within him, but eventually he couldn't conceal it. He had always been a trouble maker, a manipulator, a sadist. It was who he was, it was in his DNA.

He realised from a very young age that he wasn't like everyone else. He had powers, dark powers that could do very evil things when they were given to someone as dangerous as he was. He also realised it wasn't normal for him to have voices in his head, telling him to do very bad things.

He looked down at the knife between his fingers again as he couldn't help but imagine how colourful it would look covered in blood. More specifically; his parents blood. Oliver didn't hate his parents, no quite the opposite actually, that's why they needed to die.

The voices in his head wouldn't stop until they were both buried, six feet under the ground.

"Oliver! Can you come down here for a second, we need to talk to you!" Oliver's mother shouted from downstairs. Oliver rolled his eyes, slipping the cold knife into his pocket before getting off his bed and going downstairs.

His parents were in the living room like usual; his mother watching some antiques show on TV and his father reading the daily newspaper like he did everyday. Boring, boring, boring.

"Yes mother?" Oliver said sweetly. An equally sweet grin was plastered on his face, the smile he always used with his parents to get what he wanted.

Kill them.

"We've been worried about you recently... you're always locking yourself away in that damn bedroom." His father said, making Oliver's smile falter.

Kill them, Oliver. Kill them.

"We've talked to the doctor about it and he gave us a phone number for a local therapist." His mother smiled softly.

Kill them. They need to die.

"Why would I need a therapist?" Oliver scoffed. "I'm perfectly sane."

"We know that, son, we just think it might be helpful for you to talk to someone. Maybe it would help with your...anger issues." His father said carefully.

Kill them.

Oliver's blood boiled as the voices in his head got louder and louder. He could feel his palms begin to sweat as they subconsciously trailed down towards the knife in his pocket. He gripped the edge of the blade through the fabric of his jeans.

How dare his parents suggest he needed therapy, he was probably the sanest person alive! He wasn't the one who needed help, it was all these delusional idiots around him.

Suddenly, the sound of glass smashing sounded through the room. Oliver looked at the broken vase lying on the floor, not even realising he had picked it up until he had already thrown it at the wall.

His mother gasped, his father stood up. Oliver reached for his pocket again, abnormal amounts of adrenaline and excitement flowing through his blood. He didn't even think twice before quickly pulling out the knife and plunging it into his fathers neck.

The feeling that coursed through his body in that moment was too good to describe in words. It was like lightning had just struck him.

His father fell bad, blood gushing out of his neck and mouth like an overflowing river. Blood splattered onto Oliver's face and the ground below him. His mothers screams rang through his ears, making Oliver laugh. He pushed his fathers wavering body back onto the sofa, taking one last look at his now still body before turning to his mother.

Her skin was the colour of snow as she stared at her son in horror. Her eyes were terrified and yet emotionless at the same time as she looked over at the lifeless shell of her husband.

Oliver reached out towards her, placing his blood covered hand onto her trembling face. He wiped his hand across her cheek and down her jaw, leaving a trail of blood in its path. He slowly leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her cold cheek before stabbing the knife straight into her chest.

He watched the light drain from her eyes as she fell back against the wall, smearing blood across it. Oliver smiled, he never liked how dull that wall looked anyways. The red was a nice contrast to the boring beige.

The curly haired boy looked down at the dripping knife between his hands with pride. He felt a sense of accomplishment sweep through him, combined with a surge of power. He could feel the darkness within him grown, turning more of his soul to stone.

His parents were both completely lifeless now, blood smeared across their skin in streaks that resembled the shapes of Oliver's fingers. They were free now. Oliver grinned.

The voices in his head had finally stopped.

"What do I do now, father?" Oliver whispered into the silence, a smug look on his face and his eyes glimmering with self pride.

"You need to wait my son, another will come soon. Once you've sacrificed them we can finally be together." A voice called from the shadows, making Oliver smile.

"Can't I just sacrifice someone else now?" Oliver pouted, eager to quench his sudden thirst for blood.

"No. You have to wait to sacrifice someone who is in love with you, much like you're parents were." The shadows called again. "You need to kill you're soulmate, only then will the ritual be complete."

"How will I know when I've met my soulmate?" Oliver asked.

"You will know my child, you just need to wait."

Present day.

Oliver's mind aches as he stares at the ticking clock. He wish he had the power to speed up time just so that this lesson could be over already. He hated school. He was a thousand times smarter then anyone in his year, so being grouped in a classroom with them felt down right degrading to him.

From the corner of his eye, he saw a certain blue eyed boy rest his forehead against the desk, eyes falling shut. Oliver smirked, knowing that Josh wouldn't dare sleep because of him. He loved the amount of control he had over the poor orphan boy.

He's the one. He's the one. He's the one.

The voices inside Oliver's head chanted over and over again like a mantra. The voices had been driving him insane lately, repeating those same words over and over again but only when he was around Josh. It was almost annoying enough to stop Oliver from wanting to be anywhere near the blue eyed boy. Almost.

For some reason Oliver couldn't quite stay away from Josh, he felt too intrigued which was odd because Oliver had never felt an ounce of interest towards anyone before.

The bell rang eventually, making everyone in the room start packing up in a mad dash to get as far away from his hellish lesson as possible. Oliver packed away slowly, stealing glances at Josh behind him as he shoved his things into his backpack carelessly.

He only had one thing on his mind right now, and that thing was Joshua Franceschi.

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