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From the very second Josh entered Oliver's house he could tell this was a very bad idea, a very very bad idea. He didn't even know why he had agreed to come, something inside of him just wouldn't let him stay at home.

"Do you want a drink of anything?" Oliver asked politely, closing the door behind Josh and locking it.

"Uh, no thanks." Josh declined, staring at the now locked door uncomfortable. He was trapped.

"Are you hungry? I've got cake in the fridge if you want any or I could cook you something-"

"Oliver I'm fine really." Josh insisted with a nervous laugh, making Oliver smile.

"Great, lets go to my room then." Olivers mouth morphed into a smirk, a dark look floating through his almost black irises.

Oliver moved swiftly up the stairs causing Josh to stumble behind him as he struggled to keep up. They walked through the beige painted hall which was consumed by photographs hanging on the wall. Josh stopped at one that caught his eye, looking at the picture of two adults and a toddler outside a park smiling.

"Is this you?" Josh asked, pointing to the child in the photo. Oliver looked over the shorter boys shoulder, smiling at the happy memories which came flooding back from it.

"Yeah, that's the park that we use to go to until there was an...unfortunate incident there which meant we couldn't go back." Oliver said as he shrugged, leaning against the wall so that he was facing Josh.

"What kind of incident?" Josh reluctantly asked, knowing that he probably didn't want to know.

"All I can say is it involved my hands slipping and accidentally pushing another kid off the slide." Oliver shrugged. "She never did come out of that coma."

Josh gasped, his eyes widening in both shock and slight fear. Was he shocked though? It's not like he really expected anything different from Oliver seen as though he knew how twisted and borderline demonic the pale boy could be.

"Oh...that's sad." Josh said awkwardly, not really knowing what to say to something like that. Oliver laughed under his breath.

"Yeah, totally tragic." He shrugged before carrying on walking down the corridor. Josh followed behind like a lost puppy.

They finally made it to the room at the right end of the hall, which Oliver pushed up and shoved Josh into. Josh stumbled into the new room clumsily before lifting his head to look around. The walls were painted dark green and almost everything in here was made of black wood. There was band posters all across the walls, and a huge double bed in the middle. Josh eyes ran across the desk, which was covered in scraps of cut up newspaper articles. Weird.

"Sit on the bed." Oliver said, well more like demanded as he closed the door behind them. Josh obeyed and awkwardly sat on the edge of the huge bed, shifting uncontrollably as Oliver did the same.

"Do you want to see something cool?" Oliver smiled, his playful mood almost childlike in that moment. Josh hesitated but slowly nodded, gulping as he did so.

"Okay, shut your eyes and don't open them until I tell you to." Oliver instructed, crawling on the bed so that he was behind Josh and pulling his hands over Josh's closed eyelids for good measure.




"Alright you can open your eyes now." Oliver snickered, removing his hands and using them instead to force Josh's eyes open.

Josh gasped as his eyes were forced to look at the room around him. The previously dark green walls were now streaked with red as blood ran down the walls from the ceiling. The liquid seeped through the cream carpet and kept getting closer and closer to the bed, causing Josh to try and recoil further onto the mattress.

Oliver laughed as he held Josh in place, making sure his blue eyes stayed open to witness the gruesome sight around them. The lines of blood circled the bed, forming a pentagram on the floor.

Josh tried to breath but couldn't, as he struggled to get free. He pinched the skin on his hand desperately, trying to wake up from this nightmare but it was no use. He glanced back up at the crimson stained walls, instantly regretting it as he suppressed the urge to gag.

Blurry images of shadowy figures flashed in and out of the room, their bodies and faces hidden by long, black robes. Josh screamed, looking down at his own hands to see they were now covered in blood too.

"Don't be afraid, my love, they can't hurt you as long as I'm here." Oliver whispered into Josh's ears as the innocent boy began to tremble.

"H-h-how are y-you doing this?" Josh stuttered. "T-this can't be real, this is a dream."

"I think you'll find this is very real, Joshua." Oliver whispered calmly. "Don't worry though, it will all be over soon.

A lump formed in Josh's throat as he watched the shadowy figures watching him as if they could see through his very soul. The blood on the floor began to move again, this time crawling its way up Josh's body starting with his shoes. The walls were drenched at this point, the green paint completely masked by the thick red liquid that made Josh feel sick.

Josh's head filled with the sound of evil laughter, echoing around and fucking around with his senses. He couldn't even think straight anymore, as the laughter turned into whispering too which got louder and louder as he stared at the walls.

"Make it stop! Make it stop!" Josh screamed helplessly, tears collecting in his frantic eyes.

"As you wish." Oliver said quietly, suddenly appearing in front of Josh instead of behind him. Josh flinched back, his blood shot, terrified eyes meeting Oliver's calm ones.

"Please just make it stop!" Josh begged, tears streaming down his cheeks as he still struggled to breath.

"If you insist." Oliver replied, rolling his eyes.

Oliver brushed away the tears with his fingertips, gripping Josh's cheeks with blood coated hands before leaning in and connecting their lips together. Josh's eyes widened in shock as he felt Oliver's lips on his own, and the familiar feeling of lightning bolts coursing through his body like every other time they had touched.

He tried to move his head back, but couldn't. He was paralysed in place, unable to move his head at all. Reluctantly, he gave in and closed his eyes before kissing Oliver back lightly. His lips were cold and soft, like silk.

Oliver smiled against Josh's lips before pulling away and letting go of Josh completely. Josh inhaled sharply before opening up his eyes again, staring wide eyed at the now completely normal room.

There was no blood on the walls or on the cream carpet; not even a stain from it. His skin was completely clean again, though it still tingled from touching Oliver's. Josh looked up at the lanky boy who stood in front of him smirking.

He couldn't believe his eyes. What the hell had just happened? Surely there must be a logical way to explain all of this, mustn't there? Josh brain felt like it was on fire as he tried to compute what he had just been through.

He suddenly couldn't breath again. He needed to get out of this house and as far away from Oliver as possible. Josh scrambled off the bed quickly and ran out of the room, streaming down the stairs and straight out of the front door which surprisingly wasn't locked anymore.

He ran all the way back to the care home, not stopping to catch his breath until he was locked safely in his room again. His lungs burnt and his head felt like it had just been split open by a power drill. He sunk to the floor in pain, clutching his forehead as it continued to pound in agony.

Meanwhile, Oliver laid on his bed with a smirk as he thought of how beautiful Josh when he was scared. He laughed to himself, turning to the black shadowy figures which stood in the corners of his room.

"I think he's the one."

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