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Josh tried his hardest to stay in bed that night, but as the hands on the clock dawned closer and closer to midnight, it was like Josh's limbs had a mind of their own. No matter how much he tried to resist, he found himself throwing on some warm clothes and quietly making his way to the front door.

He pulled back his bedroom door, cringing at the way the squeak of the hinges echoed in the completely silent house. He knew he needed to be sneaky, if anyone found out about him sneaking out he would never hear the end of it. Last time he tried to sneak out past curfew was at his last foster placement; to say Jane lectured him until his ears bled would be an understatement.

Once down the stairs, he slowly crept through the shadows towards the door, being careful to avoid the office where someone was sat at the desk doing late night paperwork. Hesitantly, he pushed down on the door handle, relived that it made no sound as he quickly slipped through it.

He exhaled into the night sky, watching as his breath turned into white smoke that danced through the air. Josh let his body guide him as he subconsciously walked in whatever direction the night took him. Oliver never told him where to meet, he just said that it had to be at midnight so Josh wasn't quite sure where Oliver would be.

Josh sighed, stopping at the corner of an alley way to dig around in his pocket for a cigarette. As he pulled out his lighter and fag, he looked down at his phones screen and saw that it was 2 minutes to midnight. He shook away the thought of finding Oliver, instead flicking his thumb against his lighter until it eventually sparked and set alight to the end of his cigarette. He leant casually on the wall, using one hand to bring his cigarette up to his lips and resting the other one in his coat pocket for warmth.

Something in Josh's pocket began to vibrate, making him drop the cigarette on the floor out of fright. He groaned, stuffing his other hand into his pocket to retrieve his vibrating phone. He looked on the screen to see that it was an alarm going off, which was odd seen as though he couldn't remember setting said alarm earlier in the day. He clicked off the alarm, only to notice that it was exactly midnight.

"I didn't think you would actually come." Oliver said, appearing from the darkness as Josh looked up from his phone screen. Josh didn't really understand how Oliver had found him, or how Oliver had this ability to just appear right next to him seemingly out of thin air.

"I didn't think I would either." Josh shrugged, tugging his coat around him tighter for warmth. Oliver laughed, daring to grab onto Josh's hand with his but quickly withdrawing when he felt lightning bolts of warmth shoot through his skin.

"Ouch." Josh flinched, feeling the same electricity consume him as it did Oliver. It made his entire body feel tingly and alive, like his bloodstream was injected with adrenaline.

"Did that hurt you?" Oliver asked, cocking his head to the side. Josh couldn't tell if the curly haired boy was mocking him or if he was genuinely curious.

"No it just felt....weird." Josh scrunched up his nose, something that Oliver observed he did a lot, especially when he was uncomfortable.

"Let's go before you get too cold." Oliver said suddenly, walking across the road before Josh could even comprehend that he was moving. Josh jogged to catch up, already regretting not just staying in bed.

"Aren't you going to get cold? You're not even wearing a coat." Josh pointed out. It was true, Oliver was only wearing a thin hoodie and trackies, and yet he wasn't shivering at all compared to Josh who was on the brink of hypothermia.

"I don't really mind the cold, it's comforting." Oliver spoke, shrugging as he watching Josh and his feet march along the sidewalk in sync. Josh cocked his eyebrows at this, unsure of how anyone could find the freezing cold enjoyable.

The stayed in silence for a long while, just walking along side each other casually. It seemed weird to Josh how comfortable he was right now, considering his dreams and and how scary Oliver was he should really be freaking out right now. If Oliver wanted to hurt him this would be the perfect opportunity for him to do it: it was pitch black, no one was around, there were no houses near by.

Josh looked around at their surroundings, not recognising any of them. They seemed to be walking towards some huge, metal gates that were situated around some kind of field. No cars were on the road beside them, which was twisted and rocky like it didn't get used very often.

"Umm Oliver? Where are we?" Josh asked nervously, his anxiety finally kicking in.

"You'll see." Oliver said simply, leaving Josh's question unanswered. Oliver pushed the large metal gate before them open, both males cringing at the squeaky sound it made due to rust. They then walked through the slightly overgrown grass silently, the bitter wind tousling their hair.

Oliver came to an abrupt halt, causing Josh to do them same. Josh looked around to try and see where they were but couldn't make out anything due to the lack of light. He glanced over at Oliver who was smirking down at something that was masked by the darkness.

"Turn on your phone light." Oliver whispered, making Josh stiffen. He was scared to find out what Oliver had lead him too, automatically assuming the worst.

Hesitantly, Josh pulled out his phone and switched on the phone light, directing it down onto what Oliver was trying to show him. He looked down into the now illuminated space, relieved when all he saw was empty grass.

"My parents use to take me here when I was younger, back then there was a proper park but it got demolished years ago." Oliver smiled fondly. "This exact spot is where their bodies were found."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Josh mumbled awkwardly, more confused then ever as to why they were there. His pulse was rapid, his palms sweating and his heart was beating against his rib cage.

"Don't be, I was the one who put them there." He laughed. "I've never shown anyone this place before, Josh, you should feel special."

Josh didn't feel special at all, he felt nothing but pure fear.

"No one found their bodies for weeks, which gave me enough time to get rid of all the evidence before anyone even knew they were dead." Oliver grinned proudly at Josh, who stared at the ground in discomfort.

"Why am I here?" Josh asked quietly, his words as loud as a shout in the silence that engulfed them.

"Because I wanted to spend time with you, I thought this would be quite a cute first date."

"Date?" Josh scoffed before he could stop himself. "People don't normally bring their dates to the place they hid their parents bodies!"

"Normality is overrated." Oliver snapped back. "I think you've already figured out by now that I'm no where near what your kind would describe as normal."

"My kind? What does that even mean?" Josh asked, daring to make eye contact with Oliver for the first time that night. Even though they were surrounded by darkness, it didn't even come close to the soulless colour of Olives eyes in that very moment.

"I think it's time for you to wake up Josh." Oliver said coldly, staring straight through Josh. Josh felt his body instantly become heavy, his limbs being dragged to the floor by that familiar force. Just as he was about to hit the grass, he felt a pair of warm arms wrap around him just as everything went black.

When Josh opened his eyes again, he was in a laying position on something soft. He flung his body into a sitting position, only to realise he was back in his own bed.

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