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Unholy hands roamed everywhere; from shoulder blades, delicate strands of hair, chests, thighs, to eventually the fronts of jeans. It was warm, very warm. Like the devil himself was summoning the depths of hell to open around them. Neither of them cared, too occupied in the dancing of their tongues and the wandering of their hands to care.

Everyday Joshua felt closer to hell, his skin itching slightly more every morning as he walked past the church on his way to school, and his lucid dreams bleeding more and more into reality. In religious studies he would find his tongue tied, chocking on the words of the bible like they were poisonous. At night he would often wake up with his skin as hot as fire, sweat dripping from his body as he ran straight to the bathroom to throw up blood.

He would see things too, in the corner of his eye. When he was brushing his teeth they would be there, just watching and waiting from the very edge of his vision. When he walked down the corridors he could hear their shattered whispers, feel their rancid breath on the back of his neck. As he sat alone in his room he could feel their hands grabbing at his neck, ghostly and cold like death itself. But Josh wasn't scared, in fact he almost found their presence calming now, like they were guardian angels protecting him.

Another thing that had changed was his appetite. He was hungrier now, like really hungry. And not the kind of hungry that goes away with a breakfast bar or some chocolate; the kind of hunger that demands blood and death to satisfy it. It started one night when he was alone in the kitchen getting some water, when he noticed an uncooked leg of lamb in the fridge. Suddenly his mind was clouded, his instincts screaming at him to tear the packaging off of the raw meat and eat it straight from the bone. Since then his body had craved the tangy, metallic taste of blood on his tongue, but the human side of him kept that part of him restrained. For now, anyway, as everyday it was becoming harder and harder not to give in to the animistic thoughts.

Oliver smirked devilishly, fingers crawling along the warm skin of Josh's bare stomach down towards his waistband. They rolled around feverishly in the red sheets, moaning into each other's mouths occasionally as they sloppily kissed like the teenagers that they were. Oliver broke the kiss to let Josh breath, smiling in triumphant when he felt Josh's lips land on his sharp jawline instead. The human boy pressed small kisses against his lovers throat, a shiver rippling through his spine as he felt his animalistic insists crawl back into his thoughts.

Without hesitation, he sunk his teeth into Oliver's neck, hard. Oliver groaned in pain before euphoria took over him, focusing on the blissful feeling of his lover sucking the demon-blood from his delicate skin. Joshua suddenly gasped, his human senses flooding back to him as he flung himself away in shock. He painted loudly, blue eyes wide and filled with horror as he reached up into his mouth, throat restricting as he felt blood-covered fangs perturbing from his gums.

Oliver met his lovers horror-stricken stare, glancing away with a loud laugh and a shake of his head as certain parts of his body still burned from the electricity of the bite. He felt butterflies flutter in his chest, batting their beautiful wings against his stone-heart and empty soul. Maybe it wasn't so empty after all.

"What the fuck!" Josh shouted, panicked, as he wiped the blood away from his mouth in disgust. Oliver laughed again, watching with a glint of pride as Josh wiped the black liquid across his pale cheeks. The human boys complexion had grown a lot paler lately, something he put down to the drizzly weather of the changing season, even if deep down he knew it was something more serious.

"I didn't have you down as the kinky type, Joshua." Oliver grinned playfully, his own sharpened teeth peeking through his parted lips as his eyes began to adopt a crimson glimmer. Joshua gulped loudly, a blush dusting his face and neck as he sat back on his knees. He was still on the other side of the bed to Oliver, to embarrassed and confused to move any closed. He could still feel the metallic taste in his mouth, something which should have made him gag, but instead made his tastebuds tingle with satisfaction.

"I-I'm sorry." The blue eyed boy whimpered, suddenly feeling exposed and vulnerable in the presence of the confident male. He slid his arms over his bare chest, watery eyes searching for his shirt on the floor before he picked it up and put it back on. Oliver sighed, repressing a frustrated groan, as he crossed his arms over his chest too. He wasn't angry at Josh for not wanting to continue what they had started, he was just annoyed that now he was left needy yet deprived. But for Joshua, he could take that.

"What are you sorry for?"

"I-I probably hurt you! I don't even know what came over me!" Joshua cried in desperation, confused as always, and quite frankly scared of the uncertainty of what was happening to him. He knew he was dying, he knew he was be coming a demon like Oliver, but the details of that process were still unknown and blurry. There were so many blank spaces in his mind that needed filling, and yet he was getting no answers.

"It didn't hurt, darling, it felt good." Oliver shrugged, lazily rolling out of the warm covers so that he could retrieve his shirt too. As he was standing up, the lanky boy's ankles became tangled in the sheets, causing his whole body to plummet to the floor with a dramatic crash. The sight made Joshua's breathing stop for a heartbeat, before finally he broke down into a fit of laughter. Oliver rolled over onto his back, glaring harshly at Joshua's blushing face before he focused his energy, willing his powers to make Josh fall to the floor too.

Josh did so with a gasp of shock, suddenly feeling gravity shove him off the edge of the bed so that he landed in a heap of clumsy limbs next to Oliver. Oliver cackled at his lovers playfully-hurt expression, stopping immediately when he felt Joshua's body fly into his with a low growl. They wrestled each other on the floor, bashing into the bed frame occasionally as they become an entanglement of legs and arms once again. Finally, Oliver managed to pin his human down, black eyes flickering across his bright red face, life filled eyes and floppy hair that laid across the floor in every direction. In that moment, the world could have burst into flames and neither of them would have noticed.

"I love you."

"I love you too, wanker."

stabbing in the dark ~fransykes~Where stories live. Discover now