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Josh sat alone at a table in the corner of the busy dining hall, staring down at the empty table whilst he listened to the people around him gossiping. It was times like this when he wished he had friends, or at least someone who he could have a conversation with. Instead he sat alone, his stomach rumbling with hunger due to him forgetting his lunch again.

He sighed, picking at the ends of his jumper sleeves out of boredom. He contemplated whether he should actually try and make friends at this school, then quickly realised he didn't even know how to make friends. The only friends Josh had ever had were those he met through asking to borrow a lighter or sharing a bottle of alcohol.

"Is anyone sitting there?" A voice asked, making Josh look up from his sleeves. He looked up into Oliver's dark eyes before shaking his head. Josh didn't want to admit it but he was kind of glad to have some kind of company, even if that company was Oliver.

Josh watched as the empty chair opposite his pulled out from under the table, seemingly on its own as he swore Oliver never even touched it. Oliver smirked, sitting down before pulling something out of his backpack.

Josh looked at the small plastic bag the pale boy had pulled out in confusion. Oliver smiled, pushing it across the table towards Josh and motioning for the blue eyed boy to pick it up. Josh hesitantly did so, his eyes widening in surprise as he realised it was just a cheese sandwich.

"What's this for?" Josh asked in confusion, his stomach growling at the sight of food.

"I made it for you, because you forgot your lunch." Oliver shrugged, still wearing a smirk across his lips. Josh gave the lanky boy a strange look.

"How did you know I was going to forget my lunch?" Josh asked suspiciously.

"Just a lucky guess, I suppose." Oliver laughed to himself, gaining another funny look from Josh who didn't really understand the joke.

"Umm thanks then...I guess." Josh shrugged awkwardly before slowly starting to eat the sandwich. He was slightly hesitant at first, but after a couple of bites he began to realise it was just cheese in the sandwich and not poison.

"Aren't you going to eat as well?" Josh asked, noticing that he was being watched by Oliver who wasn't eating anything. It made Josh feeling slightly guilt, knowing he was eating Oliver's lunch whilst the pale boy had nothing.

"No." He shook his head with a smile. "I'm not going to die if I don't eat, you will though."

Josh shook his head, wondering what the hell that meant. He put the uneaten half of the sandwich onto the top of the paper bag and slide it across the table.

"Here, I'll feel bad if you don't eat it." Josh smiled bashfully, making Oliver laugh as he ripped off the corner of the sandwich and ate it.

"You're too nice Joshua, way too pure to be associating with someone like me."

"I'm not pure, I've done stuff you know." Josh scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest defensively.

"Hah, you mean drug and alcohol? Does that make you a bad boy?" Oliver laughed. "I've done stuff you couldn't even imagine, I'm not sure smoking a fag behind the bike sheds exactly counts as 'stuff' babe."

"Did you just call me babe?" Josh laughed, raising his eyebrows in disbelief. Oliver didn't respond, just looked back at him with a dark look that made Josh shiver slightly. He suddenly felt extremely cold.

"Do you want to see something bad, Josh? Something evil?" Oliver said seriously, his eyes glassy.

"Like what?" Josh asked hesitantly, the feeling of fear returning.

"I guess you'll just have to wait to find out."

stabbing in the dark ~fransykes~Where stories live. Discover now