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After he was cleaned, dried, fed and watered, Oliver finally let Josh go home. Josh cringed at the thought of having to go back to the care home now where the staff would be waiting behind the door to lecture him, even more so now he had turned his phone on to see at least a dozen angry messages. But he knew he would have to go back eventually; the longer he stayed, the angrier they would become and probably eventually call the police (if they hadn't already).

It was Friday now but it was too late for either of the boys to attended school seen as though they had already pissed two periods. Josh didn't care, he dreaded going back. If people weren't scared of Josh before, they defiantly would be now. He already knew that those three popular boys had told everyone in the school about the 'incident' that left them all wounded and unconscious the previous day.

Oliver walked Joshua to the end of his garden, the path overgrown with weeds and moss that made the whole house look abandoned. Josh sighed, looking out across the street to see one of the neighbours peeking at them from between her curtains. Her face was contorted in something between fright and disgust, her wrinkly eyes wide like a deer in headlights.

When Oliver caught sight of what Joshua was staring at he rolled his eyes, grabbing Joshua's shoulders and pulling him in harshly for a deep kiss before sticking up his middle finger. Through his enhanced hearing he could hear her audible gasp of repulsion before she drew the curtains shut with a huff. Oliver was use to the neighbours spying on him, especially the ones from his parents church, it was a pretty regular occurrence. He couldn't blame them though, why wouldn't you stare at the antisocial emo boy across the road whose parents were murdered in suspicious circumstances? It was a really religious area too, which made living there even more amusing for Oliver.

Josh smiled into the hard kiss, wrapping his hands around Oliver's arms as the taller boy slipped his tongue into the others mouth. Josh's stomach erupted into butterflies, warmth flushing through his body as a pink glow inhabited his cheeks. He cursed himself for blushing so easily, blaming it on the Northern cold that nipped at his skin.

A van drove past them and honked loudly, making Josh pull away in embarrassment as Oliver only smirked. Josh's head suddenly felt fuzzing and weird, like he was floating on cloud nine.

"Umm...yeah-yes I'm going to go now-okay, bye Oli." Josh stuttered before stumbling down in the street in a daze, rosy cheeked and repressing a goofy smile from inhabiting his warm face. He didn't look back, but if he had he would have seen something quite unusual....

Oliver was blushing too.


"Get to you room now, Joshua!" The manger of the home yelled after she concluded a very long, predictable speech about responsibility and 'setting an example for the younger children'. Josh only rolled his eyes, picking up his scruff backpack off the office floor and stomping up the stairs to his room. He slammed the door with a bang, huffing in success when he felt the thin walls around him shake and heard the girl in the room next door shout angrily in protest.

"I'm starting to think I'm becoming a bad influence on you." Oliver sniggered, making Josh flinch in fright. The shorter boy span around, his blue eyes glaring at the teenager sprawled across his bed. He laughed at how ridiculous the other boys lanky limbs looked hanging off the small bed. Josh was short enough to fit into the single bed, just, if he bent his knees slightly at an awkward angle.

"Or maybe I'm the bad influence on you."

"Come here then bad boy." Oliver smirked darkly, sitting up on the edge of the bed and pulling Josh in between his legs. Their lips met quickly, eager to pick up where they left earlier. Hands roamed, noses pressed against each other, tongues clashed. Oliver moves himself back onto the bed, bringing a red cheeked Josh with him as the atmosphere in the small room turned crushingly heavy.

Joshua broke away first, hands colliding with the other teens as they both reached for the hem of Josh's shirt, well technically Oliver's shirt. They messily took it off, one of them throwing it across the room in the blurry process, but both too distracted by kissing to care. And then Oliver's shirt hoodie joined the increasing pile of abandoned clothes. As they pulled apart, a silence filled the room as they looked into each other's wide eyes, pupils dilated. They leant in again, but Oliver grabbed the other boys face before they meet and licked across his cheek, much to Joshua's disgust.

"Eww Oli!" Josh winced, scrunching his nose up and vigorously scrubbing his now wet cheek in a way that made Oliver cackle with laughter. "You're such a bitch."

"You're my bitch."

"Fuck off." Josh laughed, immediately cutting himself off when he felt a cold, evil presence enter the room. His body turned as cold as ice as a chill passed through him, like someone was walking over his grave. Dread cursed his senses, leaving him in horror-struck silence. "Did you feel that?"

"Feel what, love?" Oliver asked in concern as his hands graced across Joshua's shoulders, although his eyes never met Joshua's icy ones, but looked past him at the corner of the room instead.

Joshua gasped, once again feeling the air of death pass through him. Hesitantly, he turned to face the corner too, the air leaving his lungs as he did. There, in the corner of his room, was what appeared to Joshua's innocent eyes as some kind of ghost. It was a shadow, not quite solid but defiantly there too. It had no face, no features, just two bright red eyes that made the colour drain from Joshua's already pale face. Joshua opened his mouth, but before he could scream he felt Oliver's stone cold fingers wrap around his face.

"Shush stay calm." Oliver almost purred in a sickeningly calm voice as he wrapped his free arm around Joshua's chest to hold him in place. Joshua whimpered, scared blue eyes falling closed as his body shook whole, heart beating rapidly against Oliver's bare chest. "You shouldn't be able to seem them yet....shit we have less time then I thought."

Confusion made Joshua's eyes open at that statement, his brain failing to understand what the other boys words meant. We have less time then I thought...time for what? The scared boy felt the hand around his mouth loosen, leaving him to gasp on the air that invaded his burning lungs.

"O-Oliver what are you?" Josh chocked desperately, not turning around as to avoid the other boys judgmental, annoyed gaze. He knew how much Oliver hated questions, but he was tired of not knowing and constantly being confused as his world seemed to slowly be turning upside down. His reality, as he knew it, was slowly slipping through his fingertips and soon there would be nothing left.

"I'll tell you tomorrow." Oliver answered coldly.

"Please...Oliver I need to know-"

"Tomorrow Joshua!" He hissed angrily, in a way that made Joshua fall instantly speechless as his words got stuck in his throat. "Goodnight, my darling."

And with that Oliver slipped off the mattress, quickly picking his shift off of the floor and slipping it on before leaving a swift kiss on Joshua's forehead. He then undid the window latch, sliding it open all the way before carelessly jumping out of it. Josh chocked in horror, expecting to hear the blood curdling sound of Oliver's body hitting the concrete below, but it never came. Instead he was left with unbearable silence, the cold winter air reminding him of how lonely he really was.

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