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Josh awoke frantically. He was on his bed, which was weird because he could have swore he fell asleep on the floor last night. His head was still pounding with the same headache he had experienced after leaving Oliver's house yesterday.

He looked around his bedroom with paranoid eyes before feeling himself start to gag. Josh ripped the covers off his burning body before sprinting to the bathroom, getting there just in time to crouch beside the toilet before he threw up.

Once his stomachs was completely empty, Josh wiped his face with his hands and looked down at the toilet. He gasped in shock when he saw the liquid he had just thrown up was completely black. He quickly flushed the toilet, getting rid of the weird black liquid before standing up to go to the sink.

He was shaking, his legs feeling like jelly as they struggled to carry the weight of the rest of his heavy limbs. His eyes were sore and dry, the kind of dry that came from crying.

When he looked at himself in the mirror he noticed his lips and chin were stained slightly black, along with his teeth. He frowned, rubbing his face with cold water before brushing his teeth as hard as he could. When he looked back in the mirror, all the black stains were gone. He sighed in relief.

He took a quick, cold shower before returning to his room. It was still dark outside; the moon still prominent in the star splattered sky. He put on some boxers and towel dried his damp hair before falling back against the bed with a huge sigh.

His body already felt drained, despite him only waking up less then an hour ago. He could feel his eyes begin to get heavy but he fought to keep them open, not having the mental strength to deal with another nightmare today.

Josh laughed at the ironic thought; he didn't need to be asleep to be in a nightmare, his entire life was just one big constant night terror.

He tried to block out the memory of what he had witnessed last night, or at least what he thought he had witnessed. His mind couldn't quite decipher the line between reality and his imagination theses days. He couldn't have just imagined the entire thing though, right?

He could still see the blood running down the walls, feel it crawling up his skin, feel Oliver's lips against his own. He cringed at the last thought, mentally beating himself up for blushing at the memory. Why couldn't he seem to get that kiss off of his mind? Why did he secretly enjoy it so much?

His head was spinning out of control as his mind paced back and forth between thoughts. It was like a civil war was taking place inside of him; one side telling him to be terrified and the other telling him to be excited that they kissed.

Josh reached under his bed and pulled out his backpack, tasking out the pack of cigarettes that he kept in there for emergencies. Now was definitely an emergency.

stabbing in the dark ~fransykes~Where stories live. Discover now