454 21 14

Sorry for not updating in so long! My goal is to get this story completed by Christmas, so expect lots of updates in the next month.

Sunlight poured through the window, soaking the room in golden tones. Josh groaned loudly, his body aching and his eyes prickly as if someone was shoving sharp rocks into them. He opened his red-rimmed eyes with a sigh, feeling the cold breeze from the open window push his hair back against the pillow. He smiled when he realised the familiar mattress beneath him was not his own, before his lips quickly fell to a frown when he realised why exactly he was here.

Oliver. Oliver was...a demon? The son of the antichrist himself, condemned to earth for his mistakes. A creature of the night that Josh had thought only existed in fairytales fabricated to scare children and the made up riddles in the bible. If only he hadn't been so naive, if only if he hadn't ignored the warning signs that he had pushed to the back of his mind like careless thoughts. Josh stared at the wall blankly as he thought, not even noticing the bed dip beside him or the hand that traced down his arm.

"Sleeping beauty is finally awake." Oliver mused loudly, unraveling Joshua from the tangles mess of thoughts in his brain. The human boy stayed quite, still, as he felt the other mans lips and teeth drag across the back of his neck before gracing across his collarbone. If I wasn't for the shell-shock of last night, Joshua would have blushed at the feeling, maybe even rolled over to straddle Oliver's waist and take the moment further. But last night did happen, and it was real, and now he no longer saw Oliver through the same rose tinted glasses.

He was a monster. A heartless monster. Josh gulped at the thought, his heart sinking at the thought of the boy he had so stupidly fallen for never loving him back, despite what that boy had told him last night.

"I love you too, darling."

Josh stared ahead of him in shock, his eyes flying wide as he focused intensely on the chipped paint of the wall in front of him. He refused to look up, not able to muster the courage to potentially meet Oliver's eyes. A few days ago his heart would have burst at the sound of those words, but now it only sank.

He was in love with a demon, a supernatural being that hours ago he didn't even believed could exist. And yet it did, and somehow he had found himself wrapped up in the word of male belief. Even worse still, his choice of love had cost him his life, or his humanity at least. Soon he would be one of them too, a soulless creature in the shell of an empty human.

But was it worth it? Was his teenage- romance really worth giving up a normal life for? Josh mentally sighed, realising his life was never really his from the start. From the day his parents had died, his life had been driven by the cruel forces of fate, sending him from place to place without the comfort of family to stabilise him.

"I'm sorry." Oliver sighed heavily, endlessly dark eyes sparkling in the moonlight as he leant forward to capture Josh in a kiss. The light eyed boy turned his head away, dodging Oliver's oncoming lips as he stared at the floor instead. He could practically feel the hurt and betrayal radiate from Oliver's suddenly tense body.

Josh wanted to scream, wanting to smash everything he could find, show Oliver just how mad he really was at him. But he didn't. He couldn't. Drained of emotions, he sat on the bed unmoving, silently brooding in his anger and sadness. Getting mad wouldn't take back what Oliver had already done, it wouldn't erase their mutual feelings or numb the pain that Joshua was feeling.

"You should sleep." Oliver mumbled, shaking away the rejection he felt. Josh nodded numbly, reluctantly slipping off the rest of his rain soaked clothes and putting on the dry ones Oliver handed him instead before he climbed under the bed sheets. From the corner of his eyes he could see the shadows hovering in the darkness, feeling their gaze burn into his skin. He suddenly felt a wave of nausea wash over him, dread building up in his chest as his lung seemed to stop working. Oliver glanced down at the shocked boy guiltily before he turned to walk away, full intending on giving Josh some space until tomorrow.

"Wait!" Josh screeched in panic, flinging himself up from the mattress as soon as Oliver hand touched the door. He felt exposed on his own, terrified of what the lurking shadows would do once their master wasn't around. "Please don't leave me."

"Okay." Oliver agreed instantly, his chest warming at the thought of Joshua wanting him. He felt needed. Loved even. He clambered into the other side of the bed, his signature smirk returning when he felt Joshua's body instantly press into his. Lying there they felt like puzzle pieces, perfectly crafted for one another, and one another only.

"Are you okay, my prince? You look awfully pale, did you sleep enough? Are you feeling sick?" Oliver fussed, making Josh roll his eyes. In that moment things seemed almost normal to them, just two teenage boyfriends in bed together. But the air around them was thick, the weight of the truth now heavier then ever as it weighed them both down.

"I'm fine." Josh lied easily, the words rolling off of his tongue like he had practised saying them in the mirror a thousand times. He ignored the weird feeling currently shouting through his body, like dull pain in every muscle of his body. It was probably nothing, he assured himself.

"What time is it?" Josh asked quietly, not moving in Oliver's embrace as the other boy shuffled around to retried his phone from the nightstand. No matter how much Joshua's brain tried to deny it, he could still feel the electric buzz of Oliver's skin touching his. He could still feel his human heart pumping faster in his chest, and the butterflies fluttering in his stomach.

"Almost eight." Oliver hummed, settling back down into Josh's warm back. His icy fingers ran across Josh's exposed arm, admiring the warmth his human body produced unlike his own. Demons didn't need internal warmth, the fiery pits of hell were plenty enough to keep the chill away.

"We should go to school." Josh shrugged, making Oliver laugh. After what he had revealed last night, he assumed school would be the last thing on the other boys mind.

"If i didn't know better I'd think you were trying to get away from me, Franceschi." Oliver smirked, making Josh smile despite the screaming of his brain to give Oliver the cold shoulder.

"I'm not, I just care about my education." Josh shrugged, blushing through his lie. He knew Oliver would see straight through him, remembering how many times he had told the other male how much he hated school and thought it was pointless. The only reason he even went anymore was to see Oliver and to get away from the sad, depressing air that chocked him inside the care home.

Oliver laughed deeply, tracing his sharp teeth down the side of his lovers jawline whilst pressing small, loving kisses against it. He had never been one for affection, but with Josh the chemistry produced by their small touches made it almost inescapable. "Why don't we stay here instead and I'll teach you things you'll never learn in the classroom."

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