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Josh woke up completely drenched in sweat, just like he usually did after one of his regular nightmares. He rolled over on his slightly damp mattress, reaching for the lamp on his bedside cabinet. When the lights flickered on, he looked down at his chest to see it was shiny for the amount he had sweated throughout the night. Gross.

He couldn't quite seem to remember going to sleep, the last thing his memory could seem to coujure up was him and Oliver taking that spooky walk last night. He shivered at the memory, making a mental note to avoid Oliver at school today. That boy was seriously messed up in the head.

He stood up on shaking legs, the world spinning around as his vision went blurry. Pain struck through his skull, sending waves of nausea through this entire body. He recoiled, leaning against the wall for support as his dizziness eventually cleared.

Groaning in pain, he reached for the towel that was hung at the end of his bed and made his way to the bathroom. Luckily for him it was pretty early in the morning so nobody was awake yet, so he could take as long in the shower as he needed.

He padded across the hallway and into the bathroom, cringing as the bright bathroom light infiltrated his vision. Ignoring his pounding headache, Josh slipped off his sweat drenched joggers that he was sleeping in, along with his boxers before turning on the shower.

As he waited for the shower water to heat up, he caught his reflection in the mirror. He frowned at the sight of his unnaturally pale skin, his dark under eyes, his messy hair that was beginning to shine from a mixture of sweat and grease.

He stepped under the shower head, almost moaning out loud at the feeling of hot water on his tired body. Josh let the water smother his hair and body, excited to not feel gross and greasy anymore. Just as he was reaching for the shampoo bottle, the bathroom lights above him began to flicker.

Too tired to care, he grabbed the shampoo bottle anyway and covered his hair in the apricot scented liquid. He ran his fingers through his now clean hair, feeling the warm water wash away the shampoo and leave his hair all soft. The lights above him flickered again.

Josh reached for the soap and began to wash his body, feeling a wave of cold air push past him like someone was breathing down his neck. Suddenly, he felt someones presence behind him along with the sound of slightly laboured breathing.

Josh's breath hitched as he hesitantly began to turn his head, cursing his mind for always being so paranoid. He was just being paranoid...right? He finally plucked up the courage to look behind him, almost jumping out of his own skin and dropping the bar of soap to the floor when he saw someone standing in the shower behind him. He would have screamed too, if it wasn't for the hand that covered his mouth before he could.

There, at the other end of the compact space between the walls of the shower was Oliver Sykes, fully clothed unlike Josh who was frantically trying to cover himself with just his hands. Josh's blue eyes were wide as he looked into the black ones that stared at him. His entire body shook in terror as he backed further into the wall, as far away from Oliver as possible.

Oliver stood silently, smirking as always, his eyes never straying from Josh's except for a couple of occasions where his eyes quickly flickered up and down the body of the naked boy before him.

"This isn't real." Josh said to himself in disbelief, not realising he had said anything out loud until Oliver let out a laugh. Josh could feel the blood rushing through his veins, the hot water from the shower feeling freezing cold in comparison to his boiling skin.

"Oh but baby it is, this is very, very real." Oliver chuckled like the maniac that he was. Josh shook his head again, pinching the skin of his wrist as he tried to get himself to wake up from this strange nightmare.

"H-how did you even get in? The door is locked?" Josh gulped, shivering from how immensely cold it was in the room. The water above him felt like ice crashing down onto his skin, but he couldn't turn it off as both his hands were currently occupied with hiding his private parts.

"Hah, you really think that a door lock can stop me?" Oliver scoffed playfully. "Give me a break, Joshie."

Josh gulped again, unable to do anything but cower into the wall as the curly haired boy smiled at him wickedly, his black eyes full of mischief. Slowly, Oliver began to inch closer and closer until his face was mere inches from Josh's and their bodies were almost completely squished together.

Josh's breathing stopped as he felt two hands gently touch his sides, sending lightning bolts of electricity through his skin at the small amount of contact. He shut his eyes tightly as he felt a pair of lips ghost over his own, brushing against them ever so slightly. They felt soft and cold like silk.

Slowly, Josh peeled open his eyes again, breathing out a large sigh of relief when he realised no one was in the room with him. He painted heavily, sliding down the side of the shower and into the bathtub below.

He was still in shock at what had just happened, his mind racing as he tried to wrap his head around the entire thing. He couldn't stop thinking about that psychotic smile, and the feeling of cold hands and lips on his skin. Was the entire thing in his imagination?

Josh guessed avoiding Oliver Sykes for the rest of today would be more easily said then done.


School was over. The day had gone pretty smoothly and normally, with the exception of what had happened this morning. The only other mildly weird thing that had happened today was that Jane was running late to pick Josh up from school. Jane was never late. Never.

Josh hadn't seen Oliver today, not even in form or any of his classes. He was grateful for that. The blue eyed boy didn't know how many more times he could handle being around Oliver before he went insane or signed himself up for therapy.

"Hello, Joshua."

Speak of the devil.

Josh sighed heavily before turning around to be met with none other then the ghostly pale boy who had been haunting him for weeks. He silently cursed Jane for not being here on time and leaving him here in the parking lot alone.

"What do you want?" Josh asked tiredly. Oliver pouted, his eyes going like a puppy who had just had his tail stepped on.

"I just want to talk to you, love, no need for all the attitude." He said sadly, coming to stand next to Josh against the parking lot wall. They stood in silence for a couple of minutes, Josh praying to every god out there that Jane would come soon and rescue him from this awkward situation.

"Did you like our date last night?" Oliver asked, making Josh cringe at the word 'date'. He wouldn't exactly call being lead to a field that was apparently where police found dead bodies a date, but whatever floats your boat I guess.

"It was...interesting." Josh muttered skeptically, almost jumping for joy when he recognised Janes car pulling up off the street. He had never thought he would actually be excited to see Jane, and yet here he was thanking Jesus for sending her beautiful presence his way.

Oliver frowned deeply as he realised Josh's ride was here, his mouth letting out a noise that was similar to a wolfs snarl.

"I guess you should be going then, don't want to make your driver upset." Oliver said bitterly.

"Oh, yeah. Ummm... bye, I guess." Josh laughed awkwardly, quickly walking away. Oliver smirked at the socially awkward boy, finding it cute how much of an impact he had on the blue eyed boys ability to function.

"Nice arse by the way, Joshua, I bet it looks even better when the room isn't completely full of shower steam. I guess I'll just have to wait and see."

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