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When Josh woke up he was in a soft bed, a much softer one than the one he usually slept in anyway. He groaned in confusion and discomfort, wiping his stone cold hands against his burning forehead. He could remember everything that had happened before he somehow fell asleep, but the memories were far blurrier than they should have been.

The sky outside was a pale, frosty blue indicating that it was probably just after sunrise. Josh let out another loud groan when he realised how much trouble he would be in for not coming home by five again. Another two weeks locked in the house apart from when he went to school, great. Oh well, at least Oliver could just get into his room by teleporting or whatever he usually did.

Speaking of Oliver, it was at that exactly moment that he decided to walk through the door. He looked down at Josh with a crooked smile, hands shoved in the pockets of his grey tracksuit bottoms as he paraded towards the bed shirtless. Josh gulped, adverting his eyes away from Oliver pale chest to look at his own outfit, which was his school uniform from earlier- or yesterday even.

"Good morning sweetheart, sleep well?" Oliver grinned, flopping down on the other side of the bed where the sheets were already ruffled. Josh blushed at the thought of Oliver watching him as he slept, keeping him safe throughout the night as he slept peacefully. Last night Josh's sleep was barren of nightmares, instead he dreamt about that night he was sad and Oliver came to cuddle with him. He could feel the warmth of their skin touching even in his sleep.

"Yeah..." Josh trailed off, facing the ceiling as Oliver watched his chest rise and fall gently. "How did I end up asleep exactly."

"That doesn't matter, all that matters is that you're here now." He laughed cheekily, rolling across the mattress like a child until the side of his face was against Josh's, nose pressed against his cheek.

"Yeah but how did I get here? Did you carry me or-"

"Ugh you ask too many questions." He groaned dramatically, tugging on Josh's hair in a way that made his scalp burn with pain, and not in a kinky way you pervy bastards. "You're lucky I tolerate you."

"Awww Oliver that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me." Josh squealed sarcastically, prying Oliver bony fingers out of his hair with a huff. Oliver laughed breathily, pushing rolling his eyes before flicking his wrist, sending Josh flying off the bed. Josh wailed in shock, bracing for the impact with the hard floor but sighing in relief when it never came. Oliver cackled like a witch, smirking over the side of the bed at Josh who was now suspended millimetres above the floor.

"Don't be sarcastic with me, bitch, I was giving you a compliment!" The ghostly pale boy sneered, playfully bitter before lowering Josh to the floor slowly. Josh bet out a breath, rolling over on his front so Oliver an him were now glaring at each other. The pair bathed in newly found silence, smiles falling from their lips as they simply admired each other's features.

"You've got blood on your face." Oliver mumbled, making Josh's eyes furrow as he didn't remembered hurting his face. The line of blood ran from his nostril down to his chin, dark as the night sky in a way which was definitely abnormal. As if he could read Josh's panicked expression, Oliver added, "it's just a nose bleed, stupid."

"I love it when you call me nicknames." Josh joked, getting up from the floor to go look in the mirror hung opposite the door. Before he could, Oliver sprung up from the bed and grabbed his hips, pulling him back down on the corner of the mattress.

"I'll get it for you." He stated dominantly, licking two fingers before tracing them down the dried trail of blood. Josh almost laughed at the serious look of concentration that graced Oliver's face, that was until Oliver put the blood covered fingers back in his mouth and sucked them clean. "Tastes divine, my love."

Josh scrunched his nose up in disgust, not sure whether he was extremely freaked out or kind of turned on by the action. He chose to ignore the latter thought, going with the first and defiantly less weird option instead.

"I need to shower." The blue eyed boy sighed, looking down at his gross school uniform from yesterday and feeling the grease manifesting in his scalp. "I should probably go."

"No!" Oliver protested quickly. "I've already run you a bath."

Josh raised his eyebrows in disbelief, nodding although he wasn't so sure he believed the other boy. Why would he have already ran him a bath, he couldn't have known that Josh needed one? Oliver stood up from the floor and grabbed Josh's wrist tightly, dragging the slightly shorter male to the bathroom. It was old fashioned, much like the rest of Oliver's house, but not grossly so. It wasn't mouldy or half broken, just with old fashioned tiles and a copper bath tub that gave it a retro feel. To Josh's confusion, the bath was filled, the water still steaming like it had been freshly filled.

The human boy sighed heavily in relief, the smell of lavender and the quiet popping of the bubble bath making the tension drop from his muscles. He slipped his tie over his head, along with his black blazer before he moved to unbutton his shirt. He could feel Oliver's eyes burning into his skin, making him itch slightly.

"Are you just going to stand there?" Josh asked with a small smirk, eyes ranking down Oliver body obviously before meeting his black irises again. Oliver smirked back mischievously, nodded his head as he watched Josh's fingers carefully unlatch every shirt button.

"Okay then...but you'll have to come back when I'm in the bath." Josh smirked, shoving Oliver out the door playfully before slamming it shut. He knew shutting the door was futile, Oliver could easily just open it with his powers, but it still made him look like a badass bitch.

He quickly undressed all the way, getting in the perfectly made Braun before pulling his legs up to his chest. His legs and the bubbles hid everything but the top of his chest, collarbones and head, giving Oliver just enough to look at without revealing too much. He called the other boy back in, chest fluttering when Oliver bit down on his lip and raked a shaky hand through his curly hair.

"Let me wash your hair." He demanded, picking up a jug from the counter and filling it with the lavender infused water.


"I like to look after my human, make sure they are clean and fed, along with all those other things you humans need to be happy."

Josh groaned as Oliver combed shampoo covered hand through his drenched hair, massaging his scalp in a way that made his whole boy tingle with that familiar electric feeling.

"About yesterday....I don't understand how I did that thing-"

"Shut up before I put this shampoo in your eyes, Joshua."

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