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"I can't believe you skipped school again!" Jane screeched as Josh opened the car door, instantly wincing at the sound of her shrill voice. He suddenly wished he had just walked back to the home instead; getting blistered feet would be much more preferable to this. "You're such a stupid boy, Joshua! I work my arse off to get you all these great opportunities and all you do is throw them back in my face!"

Josh sighed, slamming the door shut before leaning his throbbing head against it. He was so extremely tired of all of this. Jane slammed her red-heel covered foot down on the pedal, making the worn out car groan as it jolted forward abruptly before speeding across the car park. He was surprised she didn't hit someone.

"Do you know how many teenagers would kill to be in your position? Do you?" Jane sneered, clutching the wheel so tightly that her fingers were beginning to go blue. Josh rolled his eyes mentally. Yeah I'm sure lots of teenagers are dying to become an orphan that no one wants, he thought glumly.

He wondered if Jane remembered what it was like to be a teenager, maybe then she wouldn't be so judgemental of him just trying to be normal for once. Maybe Jane just appeared one day, already an adult, with the sole purpose of making Josh's life a living hell. Right now that was looking like a very plausible possibility.

The world outside zoomed by as heavy raindrops hit the windows. The sky was a dirty mix of grey and black, foreshadowing the thunder storm that would surely follow in its path. Josh always hated thunderstorms, he bet Oliver was the type of person who loved them. Wait, why was he suddenly thinking about Oliver?

"Are you even listening to me!" Jane yelled, hand grabbing Josh's left shoulder as she shook it violently. Josh inhaled sharply, snapping out of his Oliver-infested-thoughts. Reality crashed back down on him as he realised Jane had still been talking that entire time, he was just too deep inside of his own head to hear it.

Josh shrugged carelessly.

"No wonder no one wants to adopt you." Jane spat coldly.

Silence filled the car. Painful silence, that smothered them both. Janes eyes widened, mouth falling into a gasp as she realised what she had just said. Too late, her words had already stabbed Josh in the chest like a knife. The blue eyed boy held his breath, unsure I'd he'd ever be able to breath again due to the heaviness in his lungs.

No wonder no one wants to adopt you.

No wonder no one wants to adopt you.

The words went round and round his mind like a carousel, getting louder and louder until his ears rung from their screaming.

"Joshua, I-I'm s-so sorry, I didn't mean-I mean I-"

The word turned into a big smudge of colours as Josh's eyes filled with salty tears. He finally drew in a breath, feeling another wave of pain rip through his body whole.

"I wish you were dead." He snapped, voice cracking with pain and sorrow. The words echoed through the awkward tension that surrounded them before leaving them in deafening silence once again.

Jane peeled her eyes away from the road, looking over at Josh for the first time since he had entered the car. She gazed across his dull blue eyes and sighed, watching as tears feel across his flushed cheeks. She bit down harshly on her tongue, trying not to open her mouth and spill into another long winded lecture. She could tell Josh wasn't really sat next to her in the car anymore, but lost inside his own thoughts instead.

Then her eyes snapped back to the road, doubling in size as a scream past her lips. The rain outside seemed to stop, frozen in the sky as time halted all together. And then....everything was happening at once.

The tree in the road; the screeching of tires; the swerving of the car. In the blink of an eye the car was spinning, hurdling through the air at what felt like the speed of light. Everything became blurred and unfocused, details lost in the chaos. Josh clung to his seatbelt, paralysed in place as he watched the tree get closer and closer by the second, until finally-


And then there was nothing but darkness. Silence.

stabbing in the dark ~fransykes~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang