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Maybe the reason Josh agreed to stay was because he couldn't be bothered to deal with all the sympathetic looks he got back at the house, or maybe it had something to do with the butterflies in his stomach instead. The thought of voluntarily spending time with Oliver was completely absurd to Josh, and yet here he was.

He didn't have to stay, he could leave at any time but for some reason he just didn't want to. Casting aside everything he knew about Oliver, he found himself actually enjoying being in his company. He didn't feel scared anymore...he just felt normal. Normal, like two normal teenage boys watching a movie together on a bed with a box of pizza in a normal house.

Josh repressed the memories of what happened last time he was in Oliver's room, instead focusing all of his attention on the film playing on the laptop in front of him. So focused in fact, that he almost didn't notice when a foreign hand slipped onto his thigh. Almost.

The coldness of Oliver's icy skin passed through the fabric of his jeans, making the hairs on his legs stand up as he shivered. Sparks of electricity erupted through his leg, electrifying the butterflies in his chest and sending them into overdrive. Josh instinctively reached out to move Oliver's hand, catching himself before he could. He realised he was actually enjoying the soft touch, it made him feel cared for and loved in some strange way. His body craved Oliver's touch like a drug, it had ever since the first time their bodies collided.

Josh averted his eyes from the film, gasping in shock when he caught sight of the window from the corner of his eye. Night had fallen, the moon high in the sky as stars danced around it. Shit, how long had Josh been here? The blue eyed boy could have sworn it was still daytime a second ago, had he really been here with Oliver all day? The staff at the children's home were probably going mental due to his absence, they had probably called the police already. He was going to be in so much trouble...

"Shit, I've got to go." Josh muttered quickly, standing up so quick the pizza box nearly fell off the bed. Oliver's hand slipped from his leg, causing both of them to frown at the loss of contact. The electric feeling off their touch was instantly gone, leaving Josh feeling cold and numb.

He rushed over to the bedroom door, turning the handle only to find that it wouldn't open. He groaned in frustration, slamming the handle down again and again but it would budge. Cold hands slipped across his shoulders and down his arms, steady and light breaths landing on the back of his neck. He let go of the handle with a sigh, turning his head to look at the pale boy stood behind him.

"Stay overnight?" Oliver asked calmly. Their faces were inches apart, noses practically rubbing together as their breath became intertwined. Gazes met, dark irises burning into light ones. In the moonlight, Oliver's otherwise black eyes exploded with shards of yellow and green.

"I can't." Josh gulped, looking away as the tension building between them became crushing.

"You can't walk home by yourself now, it's pitch black. You don't know what might be lurking in the darkness." Oliver whispered softly, mouth brushing against the shell of Josh's ear and across his jaw line. Josh gulped heavily, the feeling of Oliver's velvety lips ghosting across his jawline making blood rush to certain areas of his body. He repressed a needy whine, falling back against the door as Oliver's hard chest pressed against his.

He wondered if he had a choice at all, or if this was all part of Oliver's sick game. For some reason he felt himself melt into the other boy, tension and worry instantly fading away. Oliver was right, it probably was better for him to back in the morning when it was light out. He felt Oliver's presence calling out to him, holding him tightly in its grasp. He was enchanted.

"Okay." Josh nodded, and that was all it took for him to sign his life away without even realising it. He was now under his mysterious classmates spell, hexed past the point of no return.

Oliver smiled wickedly, darkness clouding his eyes as he pulled Josh back towards the bed and pushed him down. Josh's eyes went wide as he felt his back collide with the soft duvet, instantly wondering if he would regret this decision later.

His thoughts clouded over as he felt Oliver's body hover above his, lanky legs bent and pushed against his own. Logic flew out the window as their eyes connected, and before they knew it their lips were connected as well. Josh sighed into the kiss, heat flowing through his body as their lips slowly danced. He couldn't say he wasn't enjoying it, because he was. The numbness inside him subdued in that moment, the drug of Oliver's tender touch leaving him floating on cloud nine.

Oliver pulled away, breath ragged and uncontrollable. Josh could tell that the other boy was holding himself back, a lustful look inside of his eyes and tongue swiping along his swollen lips. Tension flowed around them, so thick you could cut it with a knife. Josh sat up and scooted away slightly, fingers slowly touching where Oliver's lips once were. He was so caught up in what he had just experienced, he didn't even notice the dark energy that filled the room, or the half formed figures that hid in the shadows.

This was going to be an interesting night.

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