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His shattered screams of agony filled the room, his body slumped against the wall as he clawed desperately at the wall with his blunt fingernails. Rain poured from the sky, hitting the window pane angrily as the lightbulb above him flickered. The pain was immense now, crashing down on him like an avalanche. Inside his body, his muscles contorted, shifting unnaturally out of place. Then his skin started to tear, the sound of ripping filling the room as blood spilled from the newly formed wounds across his pale back, staining the mucky carpet.

Thunder crashed down in the distance, a ray of light beaming in through the window as the rain increased its velocity. Oliver squinted his dark eyes, tilting his head with pursed lips as he looked down at the scene in front of him, heart pulling in his chest. He knew what was happening, it was only a matter of time before it did, he just didn't expect things to escalate so soon. They had been so wrapped up lately in the warmth of their feelings that it had been easy to ignore the bitterly cold ending that awaited them.

Josh lunged forward, blood spluttering out of his mouth, filling his senses with a metallic sensation. His hands and feet tingled now, his heart rapidly beating against his chest uncontrollably. He let another scream fall from his blood-stained lips, glassy eyes looking up at Oliver in desperation, his gaze falling in confusion when he noticed the other male not reacting to his agony. But inside Oliver's head was turmoil, chaos, as he caught back the urge to rush to Joshua's side and take the pain away. But he couldn't, the less he helped the sooner the process would be complete and the less pain Joshua would feel.

Another scream, and the room was filled with blinding light, shooting from Joshua's body like sunbeams as the human boy tumbled to the ground, his sweat coated chest flushed against the ground. And then the light was gone, and Joshua was no longer moving, eyes shut and mouth hanging open. That's when Oliver reacted, panic sweeping through him as he sprang off the bed and leaped across the small room to Joshua's unmoving body. His skin was almost grey now, his lips tinged blue and body cold as ice to the touch.

"Josh?" Oliver whispered cautiously, hesitant hands gently touching the boys body. What if something had gone wrong? What if the change had been too much for Joshua, causing his body to shut down completely? The demon boy felt his dark eyes sting, the burn subsiding when a single tear fell across his icy cheek.

The room was silent for a single moment, the rain seeming stopping along with time itself. It was dark, the sun completely hidden by the lonely-clock of night. Oliver glanced down, unsure if his sun would ever rise again as he traced lines across the boys cheeks that once held a warm blush. What had he done?


A gasp. And then Joshua's spirit filled the room again, his warm presence cutting through the coldness of death like a knife. His chest rose and fell methodically, his fingers cracking one by one as every muscle inside of him groaned in pain. His vision was blurry and unfocused as he slowly sat up in a confused daze, a lazy smile emerging on his pale lips when the blurred features of Oliver's face entered his vision. Joshua cracked his back, feeling it tingle and itch almost painfully. He brought up one hand to rub at his sore spine, letting another scream rip through the room when his fingers brushed against something else. With wide eyes he glanced behind him, panting heavily as he choked on the air.

Wings. White wings sprouted from each side of his spine, fluttering with his movements as he shifted around on the floor. The snowy, pure feathers fell down in neat lines, soft as velvet against his hands. They felt like Oliver's had, only much more delicate and new, untainted by years of use. And Oliver's had been the colour of night, a symbol of darkness and death, yet Joshua's were pure white, almost glowing iridescently. Oliver smiles warily, watching Joshua's eyes flicker in curiosity across his newly-found limbs, before he reached out his hands to take Joshua's head and move it to align with his own. They stared at each other then, light meeting dark as constellations collided between their eyes.

Joshua gulped audibly, wings fluttering behind him before they fall down against his back, ocean eyes flickering to the room behind then before the window where the light of the moon smiled down at them. He let his head fall forward against Oliver's chest, shaggy, wet hair falling across his emotionless face.

"They're watching us." He hissed under his breath, making Oliver look down in confusion.


"The shadows, can't you see them?" He questioned, making Oliver hold him breath as he glanced around the room. From the corner of his eye he finally spotted them, lurking all around them under the camouflage of darkness. They watched them with wicked, devious eyes, like hawks watching their prey slowly die. Then they moved, closer and closer, the darkness slowly suffocating the pair that held onto each other for dear life.

"We need to go." Oliver started in alarm, making Joshua's eyes snap up at him in alarm, his body now trembling in sudden fear.

"Why." Josh questioned innocently, standing up before he raced over to his wardrobe, pulling on some clothes quickly, his baggy hoodie fitting tightly over his folded wings. He ignored the shadows that seemed to fill the room now, mysterious cloaks floating above the floor supernaturally as they filled the room with the feeling of pure dread.

"We just do." Oliver replied dismissively. "We can go to mine. Grab anything you need, you won't be coming back here."

"I can't just disappear! They'll come looking for me, they'll call the police!" Josh argued, hugging his chest defensively as he suddenly felt self conscious under the intense stare of the shadows.

"They won't find you." Oliver stated darkly, groaning in annoyance when Joshua didn't move, instead gazing down to the floor, lost in conflicting thoughts. He couldn't just leave, could he? Someone would come looking for him, it would only be a matter of time before they joined the dots together and found him at Oliver house, it's not like they could hide there forever. The demon boy grew impatient, striding across the room, walking straight through the shadows half-formed bodies with the shiver before he grabbed Joshua's shoulders, plunging his sharp teeth into the other boys neck until his body fell completely unconscious. With a sigh he picked Joshua's sleeping body up, channeling his energy easily until they were stood in Oliver's bedroom instead. He walked over to the bed with a sigh, gently placing the dreaming man down on the soft mattress, a fond smile rising to his lips.


"Kill him already."

"I can't."

"Why not? Has the son of the devil fallen for a pathetic human? I thought I raised you better than that, my child."

"I-I'll finish my quest soon, just not today."

"You're running out of time, my boy. The shadows are impatient for blood, they are hungry."

"They can wait a little longer."

"They're coming for you, Oliver. Kill the boy now and this will all be over, you'll be back at home, on your rightful seat on the throne."

"I just a little more time, I'm begging you!"

"I can't stop them now, they're already on their way."


"The sand in the hour glass is falling, and soon there will be nothing left. You can't run from your fate forever."

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