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PE. Physical Education. The worst idea the education system ever had. I mean, who in their right mind thought putting thirty sweaty, stinky, hormonal teenagers in a room together to play sports for an hour was a good idea? Not to mention, making them get changed together without any teachers around to supervise. It was Josh's idea of living hell.

Josh hated PE, it was the bane of his academic career, and yet every week he seemed to find himself participating in it. Well sort of, if you counted standing at the side awkwardly as participating. Which was what Josh found himself doing right now; standing at the side of the football game, trying to not make himself look like a twat. It wasn't really working.

His blue, squinted eyes watched in defeat as Oliver perfectly dribbled the ball down the court, dodging everybody in his path like he could predict their moves before kicking the ball at an angle into the goal like a professional. Josh narrowed his eyes, wondering if he'd ever discover something that Oliver wasn't strangely talented at.

They had been spending a lot of time together over the last couple of weeks, too much time as far as Josh was concerned. And yet he found himself oddly okay with it. They smoked together at break, sat opposite each other at lunch, and even did stuff together after school more days than not. Stupid stuff; like walking aimlessly or watching horror movies or sharing greasy chips at shitty cafes. Josh even taught Oliver how to play mario kart, even if he wasn't sure how the tall, pale boy had never heard of the game before. Oliver was naturally amazing at that too, unsurprisingly.

Josh was ripped away from this thoughts by the sound of boys cheering. Looking up he discovered that his entire team was glaring at him whilst the other celebrated Oliver scoring them yet another goal. Josh shrugged off their hate filled stares, not caring if his team thought he was useless or not. He turned to look at Oliver instead, feeling his jaw start to clench at the sight of his classmates hands all over the other man as they praised him. The sight evoked something inside of Josh he had never felt before.

Deep, bitter rage.

Adrenaline suddenly gushing through his veins, Josh jumped into the centre of the pitch and swiftly intercepted the ball. He kicked it from foot to foot, the world around him becoming a blur as he focused on dribbling towards the goal. Cheers for his teammates surrounded him, surprise dripping from their tongues at the fact that Josh Franceschi was actually participating in sport.

Suddenly, a foot was colliding with Josh's, knocking him off balance and sending him crashing to the floor, as the other team reclaimed the ball and started dribbling it in the other direction. Josh sat up in a daze, brushing away the gravel on his knees along with his shattered pride as his teammates huffed and snickered. With blurred vision Joshua tried to pull himself off the floor, groaning in pain as dizziness struck him whole, sending him crashing back down.

He felt tears prick the corners of his eyes as the pain manifested inside his head, buzzing and growing quickly until it was a full blown migraine. Cold fingertips grasped his suddenly burning arms as a familiar cold breeze passed through him, dragging him off the floor and into a standing position. Joshua swayed, nausea and pain intensifying as his legs became jelly, giving way completely until he fell into someone's hard chest.

"Are you alright Josh?" Oliver asked lightheartedly, the ghost of a smile gracing his lips as he looked down at the boy who made his heart beat a little faster. The words echoed in Josh's burning mind, fragmented and distant like they were being said a mile away. Josh groaned loudly in pain, suddenly grasping and pulling at his hair as he backed away from Oliver's hold, knees buckling once again as the colour drained from his flushed cheeks. Oliver's smile faltered completely, turning to a nasty glare as he heard students sniggering behind him.

With one deadly look the whole class instantly feel silent, leaving only Josh's laboured breathing to fill the pitch. Inside Joshua's head was white noise, deafening and so high pitched that he could feel warm streaks of blood begin to leak from his ears. His startled blue eyes snapped open, bloodshot and distantly cloudy as his classmates horrified expressions danced around his vision.

Pain. Nothing but indescribable pain. Jaw falling open, he became death to his own screams as he clutched his ears tightly, fingertips smearing blood across his ashy face. The teacher gasped, frozen in spot as everyone gathered to watch the scene that looked straight out of a horror movie.

Oliver felt his heart drop to his stomach, sympathetic eyes-  Wait, sympathy? Oliver had never felt sympathy before, no less for a human of all things. He was a cold blooded killer, and yet watching Josh struggle in front of him made his chest tighten in grief, and his eyes prick with sorrow.

Joshua fell still, suddenly silent as he chocked before falling, body suddenly paralysed as his legs gave way. Strong, freezing arms caught him, a hand he knew all too well caressing his bloody face. He looked up through hooded, tired eyes, forcing them to stay open as he traced across Oliver's sharp jawline and perfectly proclaim skin. He took one last glance up into those black, mysterious eyes before he feel completely unconscious, whole boys going completely limp.

Oliver bit back a smirk as he stroked the sweaty hair away from his lovers face, clutching the boy to his chest as he listened to the panicked voice of the teacher calling an ambulance.

"For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo."

stabbing in the dark ~fransykes~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora