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"Who were you talking too last night, Oli?" Josh rolled over onto his side to ask, hands falling against the hard hospital bed as he looked at the other boy. His boyfriend? Josh didn't exactly know if they were dating or not right now, considering Oliver's peculiar word choice the other day. He didn't exactly say they were dating... just that Josh was 'his'. Did that mean the same thing?

"What?" Oliver raised his eyebrows, looking away from his notepad. He was drawing something Josh couldn't see, all he knew was that it was in red pen, the sound of the ink hitting the paper echoing in the small room.

"Last night I woke up and you were talking to someone, who was it?"

"What did you hear?" Oliver replied quickly, too quickly, like he was panicked for some reason. Josh quirked an eyebrow, suddenly nervous under Oliver's piercing glare and expecting features.

"N-nothing, just mumbling. I was too sleepy to make out any actual words." Josh shrugged, making Oliver all but sigh. He couldn't let Josh know who he was talking too last night, or rather what he was taking too.

"I wasn't here last night Josh, must have been a dream." Oliver said defensively, stare all too intense for a moment before his eyes dropped back to his sketch. Josh huffed, so sure he had seen Oliver's lanky figure amongst the shadows of the night, yet now doubting his own memories. He had seen Oliver, right? Heard him too?

At that moment the beside table began to shake as Josh's phone vibrated violently, the sound of a generic ring tone blaring through the speakers. Josh rolled his eyes, groaning loudly at the sound. He hated phone calls on a good day, let alone when he had hardly slept and was in the hospital.

"Can you turn that off for me." Josh pouted at Oliver, arms numb from lying on them, and frankly just too lazy to reach across the bed. Oliver picked up the phone in his pale fingers, holding the phone at arms length away from his face as he squinted at it like a middle age person, making Josh laugh. The curly haired teen frowned at the phone screen, not making any attempts to turn off the blaring right tone or even decline the call.

Josh sighed, fighting back the urge to laugh at his confused companion before reaching over and grabbing the phone from Oliver's hand, shivering as their electric skin brushed. Josh quickly denied the call and switch off his phone, placing it back on the bed side table, eyes swimming with a glint of pure amusement.

"You act like you're not a teenager who spends every waking moment of their phone." Josh sniggered lightly, punching Oliver's knee playfully like they had always been this comfortable and friendly, like Josh didn't know what Oliver was truly capable of. Well he sort of didn't; he had only seen the surface of Oliver's powers, yet to discover the true darkness that lurked and festered underneath. But Josh would find out in time.

"I'm not." Oliver shook his head lightly, jawline sharp as his teeth clenched tightly. Josh wiggled his eyebrows, a smile drawing the corners of his lips towards the ceiling.

"C'mon, everyone has a phone!"

"I don't." Oliver smirked as he continued his drawing, watching from the corner of his eye as Josh's mouth fell open with shock.

"Bollocks, you're having me on." Josh laughed. "You're telling me you don't own a phone? What about an iPad or a laptop? You must own something!"

"Nope." Oliver laughed, popping the p as he cracked his knuckles almost abnormally loud. Josh gasped, grasping his chest though the thin hospital gown dramatically like he had just been stabbed deeply.

"What do you do all day?"

"You don't want to know, darling." He grinned mischievously, a glimmer of pure evil shinning through his seemingly innocently human features. He gripped the pen harder, biting back the temptation to show Josh what he really did in his full time.

But Joshua didn't need to know that yet. No, now was not the time, but it would come eventually. Not until he was trapped past the point of no return, where he could no longer run from the darkness that had  infested his once innocent heart.

"So you don't have Snapchat?" Joshua asked curiously, making Oliver snort and shake his head. "Damn, how will I send you nudes now?"

Oliver raised his eyebrows at Joshua's playful remark, pale forehead creasing in a way that made him look older and wiser. Josh let out a snort at Oliver's confused and shocked face, almost face planting the floor as he rolled around the bed laughing. The sight pulled on the strings of Oliver's cold, withering heart, a fluttering sensation filling his barren chest.

There was no way he was actually catching feelings for this boy, right? Oliver had never had feelings for a human being before. And yet watching Josh laugh made his head fuzzy and light, his breath catching in his throat in a way that made him unable to breath. In a good way, of course, like he was floating amongst the heavens. Joshua was an angel; Oliver was the devil.

The sweet moment of laughter was interrupted as Josh suddenly felt his body jerk forward, head falling to the side of the bed as black liquid spilled from his pink lips. He gasped, clutching at his chest that suddenly felt like it was on fire, watching helplessly as a puddle of darkness formed on the floor. Wiping his mouth, he looked up at Oliver with shining, scared eyes, expecting to be met with a look of shock but instead being met with an unreadable one. For a second he could have sworn it was one of guilt.

"O-Oli, why does this keep happening to me?" Joshua whispered, his voice shattered and sacred. Uncertainty leaked from his tongue, his body shaking whole.

"I don't know." The other man replied, face emotionless as he avoided Joshua's pleading gaze, looking across at the medical machines instead.

"You're lying!" Josh whined helplessly, tears pricking his face and flushing his cheeks.

"I'm not." He growled, teeth bared like a wolf as he suddenly rose from his seat. Josh scoffed, rolling his eyes as unknown confident suddenly flooded him. Energy coarse through his and then before he could even think - slap.

The standing boy stumbled back, hand rising to his cheek as his mouth slacked in surprise. Joshua gasped, grasping his wrist as disbelief consumed him, did he really just slap his friend? His maybe-probably-possibly boyfriend?

Darkness overtook Oliver, that evil spark igniting in him - the one that both scared Josh shitless and also made his body hot and flustered. He marched towards the bed, pressing his ice cold hands against Joshua's neck lightly, as Josh's body once again fell under his spell. Josh felt paralysed, limbs suddenly too heavy to much and mind too weak to think. He was suddenly stiff, enchanted under some kind of supernatural hex. A line of sweat ran down his flushed neck as his heart rate became abnormally fast.

The pale boy leans forward, beautiful pink lips parting softly just enough for Joshua to glimpse at the fangs inside. Cold breath hit Joshua's volcanic skin, goosebumps erupting across his arms. Josh couldn't help his eyes wandering down to those lips, dirty thoughts filling his innocent mind.

"I like it when you're feisty." Oliver whispered lowly against Josh's ear, voice silky smooth and bitter. He trained his velvet lips across the others face, leaving an electric tingle in their path.

"O-Oli a-about yesterday, when you- when you b-bit me...w-why-"

"Ugh, you ask so many questions." Oliver groaned loudly, pulling away completely and turning around to face the door. Josh glared daggers into his back, crossing his arms over his chest like an angry toddler.

"B-because I don't understand-"

"Everything will become clear in time, darling, for now you just need to live in the moment." Oliver tutted, turning around to smirk before clutching the door handle and opening it. "And you also need to check your phone."

"Wha- wait Oli, come back! I don't-" Josh sighed, groaning in frustration as Oliver slipped out of the room. He cursed the drip in his arm that restrained him from running after the strange boy.

Curious it's eating away at him, Joshua reached for his phone and turned it back on. After putting in his password he looked at it confused, wondering what Oliver's words had meant. His fingers flew across the screen almost instinctively, clicking on the recent call log to see who he had earlier declined.

The phone fell from his hands as he read the name on the screen, a chocked scream rising in his throat as he looked at who had called him. The one person he thought he would never hear from again.


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